6 v B& @) A7 w" n E2月8日,美国总统唐纳德·J·特朗普致信中国国家主席习近平,感谢习主席祝贺特朗普总统就任,并祝愿中国人民元宵节快乐,鸡年兴旺。2 v s" T( ?5 a, O, X: e
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特朗普总统声明,他期待同习主席共同推动惠及两国的建设性中美关系。- x0 k& |) S4 x( N$ N
7 L# }7 \5 U4 ]% r5 SYou are smart! Maybe even smarter than Trump. But Trump is a fighter, according to his wife. He fights for American people when he sees that things don't make sense. Canadians are not that fortunate, we have a doe-doe in the Parliament Hill. Most of the time showing off the pictures of boxing, or fashion magazine, or in controversial free trips with rich tycoon.