鲜花( 152)  鸡蛋( 1)
本帖最后由 billzhao 于 2017-1-26 15:22 编辑
. j6 b9 z: c& R/ F* u8 J( Y$ }5 K; T+ j
Various attempts have been made to classify the population of India according to a racial typology. After the independence, in pursuance of the government's policy to discourage distinctions between communities based on race, the 1951 Census of India did away with racial classifications. The national Census of independent India does not recognize any racial groups in India.0 i3 G9 b' W8 q. I) F1 D$ O
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简言之就是印度政府不鼓励不承认种族的划分。非要划分的话,下面是 Harvard University 的研究成果:
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1. Four thousand years ago (2000 BCE), there were two dominant gene groups in India: the ANI (Ancestral North Indian) and ASI (Ancestral South Indian) —and there was no inter-marriage between these two groups.
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0 ~" b$ x$ n" |5 t: \9 ]5 j2. The ANI genes show similarity to Europeans, central Asians, Caucasians and middle easterners (or, just about anyone to the west of the Ural mountains, except the Africans). The ASI genes do not show similarity to any other gene group, and are predominantly from the subcontinent .
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3. From about 2000 BCE to 0 CE, there was huge intermarriage between these two groups, resulting a mix of ANI and ASI genes. Today, no tribe or clan in India —even in the remotest corners are free of this mixture.0 S: `/ ?+ y3 `6 B
: L: n1 [2 J( z/ l6 R
4. And finally, at about 0 CE (2000 years ag0), Indians stopped inter-marriage. This is probably due to the caste system gaining predominance. Once the intermarriages stopped, so did genetic mixing, and for the past 2000 years, on a relative scale and with respect to BCE years, there has been little variation in genes of Indians. Nevertheless, the intermixing that happened from 4000 years ago - 2000 years ago was so huge that today, India is a vibrant mix of people from different races.
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