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Hi Premier Notley, It’s Me Again: Kevin O’Leary’s 2017 Open Letter

鲜花(54) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2017-1-13 13:23 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hi Premier Notley, It’s me again, checking in. From what I can see, things haven’t been going well for Alberta and are about to get worse. I am writing to remind you of the promise I made to every taxpayer in Canada to call out mediocrity, incompetence and risk in government economic and fiscal policy whenever I saw it.$ E9 D" B: J3 z+ U4 Y& B

8 v: g# K0 t1 @  N$ Z3 GIt seems you haven’t had enough trouble with collapse of the price of oil and the Canadian dollar. It seems you aren’t worried about the tens of thousands of Albertans who have lost their jobs. I know, I know, this wasn’t your fault … you don’t control the price of oil. But why do you insist on making things worse? Your new carbon tax beginning on Jan. 1 is a horrendous mistake. You will officially be guiding Alberta into an economic blizzard with the implementation of the carbon tax. A disaster Alberta won’t be able to dig itself out of and that, Premier Notley, is your fault.
: m& w  t4 Y1 K6 b8 L  H
3 h4 p' u) y) b- S. j4 H, EYour NDP government has spent a lot of money trying to convince people this new carbon tax is good thing but I am here to tell them the cold hard truth.
2 ^% |; l- }- d/ i* v1 j2 a
4 ]3 n$ _* y( T9 YThe fact is Canada must compete with the United States in oil and gas and they have no carbon tax, not to mention a much lower corporate tax rate.
5 B' E# a8 X" E: u- c: B- M  n, t1 p1 N# [% |6 }& p
I have explained to you before that energy is the No.1 export in Canada by miles; nothing even comes close. Energy, energy service, and transportation represent 40% of our economy. It’s a big deal! Like it or not Premier Notley, no matter how you try and put it down, the oil and gas business will continue to be the major driving force behind Alberta’s standard of living./ T- U  W+ E% C: V" Q6 {; q3 ~% k

/ y9 @3 O) R1 e6 g/ G. ?- PThe United States, our biggest competitor, has said it will disavow the Paris Accord on carbon taxation. There will be no carbon taxation in Detroit or in any of shale states. After having seen the numbers in Ontario, I don’t understand how you can gamble with Alberta’s future so carelessly. Why are you ramming through new taxes when our largest competitor is planning to supercharge their energy sector and kick your butt right down the pipeline?# Z. a* T$ b. {

* v1 A& ~+ d0 i% kPremier Notley, if you were serious about protecting Alberta’s economy you would immediately repeal any agreement with Justin Trudeau and his federal mandate on carbon taxation. You would push for pipelines to be built both east and west to get our product to shore and you would commit to making Alberta’s economy competitive for global capital. You definitely wouldn’t support Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s carbon-pricing plan which will make Canada the most uncompetitive jurisdiction in North America.
8 }, l( a' B8 \; ]9 t
9 \9 H% f) U  ^! g5 cIt was only a few years ago that Alberta was the envy of North America. We must make Alberta the most attractive domain on earth to invest the incremental energy dollar for any investor anywhere.
4 K- k5 y' V, H
& \; `) a4 \+ T3 A" j8 R- lPremier, I received an honours bachelor’s degree in environmental studies from the University of Waterloo in 1977. My studies helped me develop an integrated view of the way our society functions: the way we use energy, the way we treat our environment, the ways we can effect social change, the impact on use of new technologies, and the values and ethics which govern our choices.
/ w2 a, S# v& C* G, o1 U" R
* S9 L8 w% H. k( t, d6 zOne of my professors at the time, Sally Lerner, a brilliant woman who was 40 years ahead of her time told me the definition of a good leader is someone who manages an economy to service the people and is also a steward for the environment for our future generations. This is where you and I differ Premier Notley. I care deeply for the environment and understand its role in bolstering our economy.
+ Q" ~9 a9 Z% C' P. `) Y6 e- U3 n# _
Beyond repealing your illconceived carbon tax, your only action should be to apologize to the people of Alberta and step down. Harsh words? Yes, but at this point, as we watch the Canadian economy grind to a halt and hundreds of thousands of people lose their jobs, it’s time to speak the truth.
鲜花(54) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-13 13:23 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(122) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2017-1-13 15:04 | 显示全部楼层
To me, carbon tax isn't tax on carbon at all. It's simply the way to transfer wealth and to support/maintain current government spending. Plus it's giving Alberta the bargaining chip to get buy-ins from the feds/BC to have the pipeline projects passed (which is "almost" a done deal).
9 C* H& e6 g2 R; [" o% }8 S1 v* U9 L$ T8 a) t/ B( q, @8 I
Apparently every Albertan is paying more out of pocket, degrees varying depending on the lifestyle and how much rebate one can receive. The NDPs will be surely beaten in the next election two years later if their bet is proved to be wrong: i.e. there's no good signs of improved employment or oil export...
鲜花(83) 鸡蛋(12)
发表于 2017-1-13 15:29 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
NDP is a deaf to advice .
鲜花(13) 鸡蛋(32)
发表于 2017-1-13 23:20 | 显示全部楼层
NDP 是在挖坑:( M+ K2 X& k+ l+ V7 N$ |5 G# H7 h
3 i* Q2 ~( ^+ f) N
CARBON TAX是一个坑: 埋葬ALBERTA人们及经济!& z9 Z; t! ?. i) @# H
电价改革 是另一个坑: 经一步埋葬ALBERTA人们与经济!
5 t  x# c% g8 m" o) E4 E7 H% x1 q) \3 l, ~. ~: t
2年后 从死里逃生的ALBERTA 人们 将 挖一个地狱, 把NDP 锁在深渊一千年!
鲜花(22) 鸡蛋(2)
发表于 2017-1-13 23:27 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
WARMHUT 发表于 2017-1-13 23:20
* n, j# Y' m2 ^NDP 是在挖坑:$ B) W' A, L: Y/ k( d$ j2 o! o5 ^

$ F1 Q8 a2 m) c  u1 c8 K% ]: mCARBON TAX是一个坑: 埋葬ALBERTA人们及经济!9 f$ h* Y  B1 Q- _. t: n/ O/ o
4 |  W3 w" W, r6 x
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