埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(240) 鸡蛋(18)
发表于 2016-7-23 19:10 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 reneeqq 于 2016-7-23 19:22 编辑 ! a/ z9 P' G" o. o2 }
/ L2 p0 Q7 t% N3 m3 A' ~
6 ?$ x' T/ v5 x0 U8 T* Q) B+ x: L# ]1 H$ g! n2 v1 W" c3 P* T
    面向的服务对象无所不包,无论退休人员还是梦碎的少女,只要付每小时1千日元,约合12加元,就可以租到一个45岁到55岁的男人,专门倾听她们的人生故事。; p+ C, i" P6 B* R, D* K, U9 h

2 c6 x, @/ k# {; E( j    这个公司的创始人 Nishimoto 四年前想到这个主意,主要是作为一项个人爱好。"为了提升我这个年龄段的男人的形象,这个年龄段的男人没兴趣钓女孩子,也不会被别人太当真。"$ p7 C# l1 j* h' R; A3 x
5 a! [' g" E" G3 V, `$ _
    网友评论如下:. u% K7 p2 c1 @) B5 f3 {
1 G8 ]; t( c- S5 B# f8 g9 YGreat idea? Hmmm...more like a statement that society here has some deep seated communication problems and an unwillingness to face and take steps to correct them. It's easier to talk to a stranger but not a professional mental health professional, because of the stigma attached to mental health issues. Sad.4 g- R0 w/ r, Y( Q- t0 g5 B

3 E/ D( ?3 p# J3 O; C- J( c" z这反映出日本社会的人群有交流障碍,不愿面对现实。与陌生人交流比与专业心理医生交流容易。可悲
0 x: U& d/ d. d9 @; X3 B) s- p, @( K$ _
I'm sure there are lots of coffee shop owners and bartenders who fulfill the same role of listening. Some customers aren't there for the drinks. Compared to a man going to a hostess bar, this is much cheaper.$ x" n0 F" T) b6 Q( ~, l& f) _
% I/ I. o& @! j  g& i
5 M* c1 O' V; D" c* k/ N5 A
2 m2 o9 L4 j- r; E6 p8 S# Q8 `9 q' b# m' Z' R4 c1 `( T2 x% ]
Hell, I do it for free. Sign me up!
& D5 o9 U7 ~" z9 S8 h; O
& U# b  ]! @; |5 U+ L5 H# n我不收费,加我一个5 c* f9 q) C( ~0 t
: N! T6 a2 L5 x* z& g& X
1,000 yen/hr is cheaper than booking an appointment with a professional (psychologist or psychiatrist). If I were to use the rent an ossan, I would moan and groan about the challenges adjusting to this society.
( F: P4 p& \: I9 P1 W2 ^# e0 a% g: \" R5 k2 h
太便宜了,我要是用这个服务,我会拼命抱怨这个社会的。9 }+ B: g5 K, `7 R1 C! @* \  Y8 m
' A+ S3 C( w5 J* J: q" V  E
It is not easy to confront the deep-seated reasons for one's behavioral patterns. On top of this, Japan's #1 psychological pathology is probably avoidance. Complaining to somebody is not a substitution for the hard work of therapy. And, it can easily reinforce unhealthy behaviors. It's very hard to change, all the harder when society discourages mindfulness, authenticity, and general well being.
. ?* m. v* s7 a' w( n8 OThe married Nishimoto says he has considered stopping the service several times, but found that he needed his clients just as much as they needed him.
2 {1 ?) k+ b9 L" ]; P% cAnd here we see something genuinely interesting: compulsion, resistance, repetition, etc. Quite dark in a way but fascinatingly so.: a, T% P( O" O$ J/ H& g
0 g4 T# H+ U, T
日本的社会病就是逃避。. X  v7 y7 U1 J& `( d. U
6 I) z' A' J. P; @* l3 D
Been to over 25 countries on 5 continents and this one here is by far the toughest place to make real friends. half the foreign guys I know can't even speak honestly with their own wives!) ]# N$ L, q: |2 t, K" @# A
- E) ~% Q' H4 w1 b+ d0 B
! D8 B8 L. z: b' @, X
+ ?+ W+ }, p; |/ l* Y3 v) WModern male geisha, like casual social workers; they fill a void.
- N; X5 @" d" A+ F9 [# E  B1 K
8 L2 P3 F- a8 A9 v男歌妓,有市场
8 C3 y0 p7 G$ F3 R$ _% b3 q- w9 U* m  M
Listening to somebody whine and moan to you for only 1000 yen these guys would be driven insane., a% O1 o/ C6 n4 ?3 v
# W6 n/ ?9 `9 q& d3 E% y& H
从业人员会发疯: W1 d6 b8 D# C1 ~  a

( Z( Q* D5 G+ d8 ^: b1 H# dI understand that it is human nature to speak more than listen and some men seem to think that they have more to gain by speaking rather than listening. Maybe because it gives them a chance to control others thoughts and actions including a chance to gain respect and admiration of others. The truth is men lack the listening skills and many have not mastered the art of listening. Men need to avoid wandering off and have to stay more alert to what women have to say and focus in on the conversation. Men need to stop trying to think of rebuttal while woman talk. Instead they need to understand our ideas, complaints, and feedback. In the end men need to stop judging prematurely and learn to listen more carefully. However the reality is and I have to admit that sometimes woman are guilty of not listening as men are.& u( n. L% I. y5 t3 p5 Q- R

7 d7 W& f5 {/ y/ C, P; h男人不会倾听, m/ m4 g- A% V& v& ]6 r& r4 R) k

/ H( [$ G$ W% V8 h  L4 M* ^8 P" zBecause there is an inability to communicate their feelings on any personal level. Great for having fun, but counting on in a time of need...not so available because it puts them in a vulnerable position.
9 Q8 x/ K  d# Y* i. S, c% Q  r" _# }" k* E" V% G% Q1 F$ Z1 z
日本人不愿被认为软弱- r: C/ d5 x! `' j) ?5 D) R
& ?; |! N5 i0 w* a
unfortunately this isn't going to help in a way a professional can such as identifying self destructive behaviours, any city services available, long term goal setting and planning.
3 R0 P" Q, i8 B5 gyou don't have to be mentally ill to need professional services. In university for example, the health offices make an effort to reduce mental stress with meetings on planning and also one on one appointments. Stress is stress6 z: N0 S  I$ o2 w2 {/ J( u

+ ?; j8 Q; @' g  K$ _不一定有精神问题才去看医生
, h2 f' Q9 \3 }5 M2 S% \# X9 k1 z& M" s4 r
I have done this for FREE but they always tended to lead into relationships and finally to stalking. While the intent is there it is best for them to seek professional help.
9 O9 @* e) \2 D4 j% [1 c! r4 E3 D% C
会有越轨行为, ^& u. w: V- t

6 {* j7 N* H9 W# bSpilling their guts?0 J- z3 H* d! U* b+ y- o* a
What a horrible choice of phrase.9 ]( ]( l1 d/ |' S( m2 v: p: B
There is a need for this kind of service. What's the point of going to a laughingly called "mental health professional" when very few of them have good listening skills and you end up with the "professional's" opinion anyway, followed by a course of anti-depressants. 2 Z7 i7 n" C) ~5 Y# T8 l" M8 X+ A2 o, S" U
If psychs could learn to listen instead of pontificate, people might go to them.
# f4 I$ S4 a: H9 b( A+ k: t+ j( d, n( U. m: p
5 U; `- m/ }4 f
鲜花(137) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2016-7-23 19:28 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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