News in April 2016: 1 m/ [8 P7 N9 O& @; `; C$ [& K P# Z9 m/ k! m- z/ m4 V$ N. e M$ p
Changes in the Alberta government's recent budget mean Edmontonians will be saddled with a much larger property tax bill than first anticipated. 2 K9 ^! s4 \3 \% L2 R$ `4 x g8 B; ]$ t* c
Edmonton city councillors say they are angry the province continues to download the responsibility of collecting the education portion of property taxes onto the city on the government's behalf, particularly when they increase. $ ?0 s5 M- l M6 z0 k% p, `2 M# S# P
选NDP的现在后悔也没用,第一,接下来几年都不好过,第二,即使几年后换政党,已经涨上去的不会降下来。9 Q# B0 M5 n7 A4 o
brian123 发表于 2016-5-26 08:34; u( }6 |- Y! F4 Z, ]) u
News in April 2016: # H2 {: r, ^# b: n0 W) j+ @( ~ ^; X) H ~2 G6 k* e# c4 z
Changes in the Alberta government's recent budget mean Edmontonians will be s ...