鲜花( 163)  鸡蛋( 1)

楼主 |
发表于 2016-2-19 20:40
Click on the following links and you’ll find the neighbourhood ranking, as selected by you. You will find stories about building communities in new developments, and how our notions of “hipster” neighbourhoods are changing. You’ll also learn about how our love of driving is eroding.
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# J) M3 v' v# W7 t: M- vAnd, just maybe, you’ll get an idea of the Edmonton we want to see in our future.; b0 c5 N! l( M( f* I* K
7 `9 X. R, B7 h8 Z) _# a5 W
No. 1. Strathcona
# D7 N* a- ~9 t9 N* L5 B6 |6 z$ S( [: x$ j7 o" Z7 l& c, R- t
No. 2. Westmount. h3 F5 i9 z$ D+ S( `9 O
! M$ G( @3 r4 b! VNo. 3. Garneau
; v- f+ r- [1 G- ?1 r
0 V, s. W$ u$ g+ L4 nNo. 4. Highlands& f N' G/ N# W0 M* l
: D: ~# H; W8 k6 f$ O* P2 X( U2 }9 v4 S
No. 5. Oliver
" B4 q3 S2 ^! Z1 J) e0 }- @# ^7 m1 ^ s8 K' i, e
No. 6-10. Riverdale, Strathearn, Crestwood, Windermere, Belgravia
8 A, c# f7 m0 y4 y |