 鲜花( 6)  鸡蛋( 1)

楼主 |
发表于 2015-11-24 19:50
八、咒骂家长的孩子们4 D- l" v& ~0 k/ W) a$ G
1 ?, T* Q! V, p$ M 现在那些90后,00后,你压根儿就不知道他们嘴里会说出什么对父母不敬的话来——或许,他们真的不知道《圣经》的惩罚有多残酷:
3 Q$ k& A# W9 ~, H3 P “那咒诅父亲、母亲的,总要治死他。
8 J' N1 l$ S& M; L$ I And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death.”$ V3 T( O' |# x* t# N
———《出埃及记》21:17% h. Q/ I, }7 h! g( O
, A( o1 K6 L' Z: i$ {
, F b$ j; K( a! m* {* O* k
5 S. k+ C1 P0 x% T5 a7 m6 n 在《圣经》中,女人永远比男人低等,不服?查查当年亚当与夏娃被赶出了伊甸园,究竟是谁的错?2 {" x) }: w6 u) T4 {' A7 O
0 }- B6 `5 P [' I$ H9 W 如果她们要学习什么,让她们在家里问自己的丈夫。在教堂里讲话,是妇女的耻辱。, k A. s* D- R k# b7 a
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
6 e+ e3 I% }( ^ C; R) n And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.”
3 d6 c, T( a8 ^: {3 J ————《哥林多前书》14:34-35
: W( Y8 k0 z/ v! y: q0 }3 E; ?
p( c& z9 D' R8 e4 x) r% s# n 十、再婚+ A; @" [# C% y q$ C
" x+ F+ ^) d# B$ j% O, c2 X/ l2 Z
& G+ P) @ @7 }9 U* A 凡赶走他的妻子,而去娶另一个人,就是犯奸*淫了。有人娶那被丈夫休了的妇人,就是犯奸*淫了。& W' Z3 O8 F* ~2 r' y
Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery.
) h5 ?1 {$ F0 m6 _. H ———–《马可福音》10:11-12
8 l) X: i. b5 w# [' n+ ^* L) y3 {* x0 t6 s: Y; Y% V; X
: [$ D' h' G7 l3 p6 ~8 Q& s( O P# u) F }9 t
你喜欢吃龙虾与大闸蟹吗?你喜欢吃鲍鱼与牡蛎吗?葱烧海参?可惜,这里不是美食节目,你可知罪?& I' }* T; O U
“所有海洋里没有鳍和鳞的物种,包括河流,以及所有在水里活动的有生命的东西,它们应是你所憎恶的。4 N, h* i* L& T& D2 b
对你们来说它们更应是可憎的,你们不可吃它们的肉,你们有它们的尸首也是可憎的。3 S, Q3 f9 m$ N1 }
And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you:
1 K7 H6 b" G" @ They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination.”' Z% h! D+ r+ d# X$ A
3 n$ Y) E- v) Q. w& H) h0 D# ^6 p) c
十二、 你不是处女,还敢结婚?( U# u) p. `8 |
7 T3 O% ~. ^# t/ _. d; A' f8 m
我不知道现在在结婚时,还有多少青春少女还保持贞操,但是你最好这样做,因为否则按照《圣经》,你会死的很难看:5 a1 o- S) W; F/ U
“如果这事是真的,只能说明没有找到贞洁的女子。$ e, ]: y" z4 G, l0 _
1 N/ d( `4 M5 y2 Z- v# A- y But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel:
6 }4 R1 H7 ~- W2 K Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father’s house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you.”
, E: Z' k. j) ?# ~6 M ———《申命记》22:20-21+ c; w* a# t8 L1 p8 K) i% |
$ u, g5 _' T7 K+ J
+ m/ H! c' Z6 F6 d# x# @: ^0 k) Z+ O x8 m F
4 ^; I3 E( b! j, L “所以你们要守安息日,以为圣日,凡干犯这日的,必要把他治死。凡是在这日工作的,那人必从民中剪除。$ f2 N% Z O% E3 {; t9 }
$ L- `7 M8 A+ @# K( q “Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you: every one that defileth it shall surely be put to death: for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people.5 R1 y1 e0 e8 B8 `" q4 t9 C. ~
Six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD: whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death.”
& [, v) w Q) d+ _1 e ————《出埃及记》31:14-15
" a& \' o* v0 ?7 U9 e3 ], E
& S- B/ _8 p3 g: P9 {5 c$ @/ u. `2 N4 N/ x
以上13条中,有看见你所犯的罪孽吗?很欣慰,当同性恋下地狱的时候,有你的陪伴! ^_^ ! |