
埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[出租] [出租房間]獨立屋3000英尺/二楼有三房出租/全配備家具/位于Terwillegar南區随时入住

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-10-6 09:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 km8831 于 2015-10-6 09:23 编辑 - t+ H, j5 S8 X6 Z

* @# r, p6 T; N/ A; h! Y- e1 F/ L[出租] [獨立屋出租房間] 獨立屋3000英尺,Walkout basement, 三車庫/五房/四浴室/***二楼現有三房間出租,全配備家具,配備步入式衣櫥 (Walk-in Closet) 位于 Terwillegar Haddow 南區 (随时可入住)
* e# T/ b/ O7 P6 `
& G+ }  v! o5 Z$ Z二楼現有三房間出租 (全配備家具)
& M/ ?+ g; N: `9 e& o一楼現有一房間出租 (全配備家具)
( x1 G* l1 }3 W. ~% p, X
/ g3 {: C/ C1 X  I) }6 ~: [, b房月租 $645. 一个月按金, 年租形式( m' G: O' J1 i9 @: Q4 P- `
房租包 ,水,电,气,和网费
0 _/ v9 a9 H1 B- m- s# i$ Z
6 v# i' G0 [/ l5 E* c- W' }5 j) }欢迎联系看房,随时可入住,房间内家具齐全5 _$ [4 ^( c/ b% c2 ]

& _1 x, W6 H# b9 e' |* P0 v要求干淨,安靜,友好,不煙,不養寵物, 不可以帶朋友過夜. 5 _; K: o+ u4 {- q
   % [- Y  S) x/ S( a
房间内全配備家具,随时拎包入住: ,已有床,桌子, 步入式衣櫥, ,冇須外購家具" W% w6 G/ I: {9 v9 P5 J
1 u* ^/ i' W/ |; a, x0 Z- t家庭环境优雅舒适整洁
: d4 w. a& Q3 @! z生活设置一应俱全
0 T' p6 c" c% B( i7 f, T& ^5 t4 N! D+ [1 Y2 O- X! ~7 n
! R' ]2 T: d+ S可泊車在路上
( A- Y* m& J/ G8 G% A% x% ?
2 V$ D- a) f3 T  m離 巴士站 (三分鐘步行) 36路公交车 (Route 36), 巴士可到达 South Campus LRT 地铁站巴士站/ Century Park LRT 地铁站巴士站2 Z9 X# q' g0 A& P, P$ r: Q2 R6 X
驾车1分钟即可接入Terwillegar Drive 交通便利
0 m% c& B! D( M! Q驾车2分钟即可接入Anthony Heyday Drive 交通便利( x. t" Q  f0 ]! c& e
' t1 K9 {' t! a
靠近 / 附近有: V2 f8 ^4 n1 I* ]1 ]' d: r4 h
超市Superstore, Walmart, Safeway, Save on Food, Sobey ,
: }8 h8 U1 p, ^4 E8 \2 M( r图书馆 Riverbend Library , 银行,4 C3 b$ j8 H$ w4 q6 d, L2 T
Terwillegar Community Recreation Centre, Legar Transit station
0 z$ m8 t+ R1 ]- a9 W1 R鄰近有初中,高中 Lillian Osborne High School, Mother Margaret Mary Catholic High School, Esther Starkman School, Archbishop Joseph MacNeil Catholic School
% `8 P. V* L, }
$ m1 f& `# m  ?6 L" j5 `  G  ]有興趣請聯繫本人请联系3 Z3 s) @) g* T6 e: ?5 n
手机或短信: (780) 707-0889
2 j" y2 m, j& {8 H- V. K% s% D' j! ~. ?email:Rentedm@gmail.com: ) p1 R# r8 W/ \  A
' N, u6 D4 c% _3 i
請在 email Subject 提及: 獨立屋房間出租 Terwillegar Haddow 南區1 Y8 n4 c' R7 R; ]$ f4 S* f+ c  m' X
請提供 Email : / 手机或者短信: / 微信:
' m( q4 T8 G9 g  b+ H) L+ i9 N5 O( M2 F& O2 D( u0 f6 d( p
欢迎查询, 欢迎看房, 相片可发給有兴趣人士,* Y7 E! B  R# y! {! y

4 G2 v9 l! M8 d$ |8 d: F& K非诚勿扰,谢谢大家 !: B' F# e" h! {7 d
: B( w# X. X* o2 w
4 u- A( I3 J8 \" \*** Available on Today for October 2015 Immediately *** Just move in Today *** 6 Z, {4 e6 t$ V2 E6 w$ P5 s, R

+ `- F# f2 G; N8 z, l6 GFully Furnished upper level Bedroom (3 Available) with walk-in Closet which is bright & spacious with large windows to rent in the south west desirable neighborhood of Terwillegar, Haddow Riverbend Southwest of Edmonton area, to share 3000 sq.ft walkout basement house. + x: H. ~  \( q6 I: I/ m
$ k8 J. \2 b$ F; C# O$ A
Looking for PROFESSIONAL/ INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS/ HOME STAY STUDENT tenant only, who's mature, clean, honest, responsible, quiet, friendly, and respectful. To join Chinese Speaking Family. " I' w0 p$ a% u$ o1 M9 J

$ A# z9 E' l: [% i/ vPerfect for: international students, visa students, university student, college student, professional, working full time/ part time, Homestay . k/ r1 x/ d! U! k# }4 @: w
2 ~- X" K% _* W7 J) C4 e; Z- n
•        Fully Furnished bedroom with walk-in closet, ** Jack and Jill Full bathroom style (its accessible from two bedrooms) with two wash basins (sink) in washroom, big long mirror install in whole washroom & An extra door access for bath & toilet. 8 c6 P/ z1 I0 [% r1 n/ _8 W
•        Spacious Dinning area
8 [1 e. L0 u) m% [•        Shared Laundry facilities & kitchen with household - g1 s% l+ Q* l3 I0 X
•        Street Parking 9 f& b2 {8 N2 N6 q$ d1 z
•        Large Fenced in yard with BBQ 1 d& }6 j0 L: y" q) t
•        Extra one full freezers and one refrigerators in garage for grocery
7 c# N! \9 b: Y1 I* ?4 H•        Extra Full washroom at main floor available to use (Total 4 Full Bathroom in house)
; l( {9 r3 z! k
4 n+ Y- P: m% C*** Suite features: 9 {& t4 D' B" T; ?, a
• 4 bedrooms 2nd Floor all with walk-in closet
: D0 R3 A) }1 K2 P8 ?* G• 1 bedroom/Den Main floor (large window with double french door and colset)
8 |6 w+ g& m7 d• 4 Full bathrooms
3 L  {1 `1 h6 F: U: L• Attached Triple garage
0 N- H3 k& f3 [4 a• walkout basement (not finished) 5 L- F2 i5 A6 L7 Y7 P4 |
• Open concept family room with the dining room and kitchen 5 w! z- ?: q: G/ d  [/ I1 J. n
• Stainless steel appliances
& d! N# J* }; U3 y• Washer/Dryer 3 E; h& q" D! U) {. J. U. S
• Central Vacuum
' U* Q$ K/ o9 w5 F• Beautiful private backyard
$ {& V! u' A) `" L) L# Z• Back view Green : g: ^* ^) _, v6 A; W
• Spacious Dinning area
" d% d, S' q$ K2 m) X' F• Large Fenced in yard with BBQ " n) w; n: o# p2 L. w9 _$ q3 G# M
• Extra one full freezers and one refrigerators in garage for grocery
$ W6 x* X' i8 e- Q6 s) F% ], Y7 E  ^2 z, y  `) z+ m
*** Conveniently located close to the following:
1 C6 l# b/ S  _' }/ K& l' [• Easy access to Anthony Henday Drive (2min), Terwillegar Drive (1min), Whitemud Freeway (5min) 9 T1 ~' S$ Y' I4 {
• 3 minutes to walk to Bus stop, bus to Centry place LRT/ Transit Station or South Campus LRT / Legar Transit station ' i! Q' |( z, x! ?- }7 L/ @! K9 n
• Terwillegar Communitry Rec Centre (swimming, arena, fitness, indoor child playground) % G. V- M* M/ y# D9 c7 H
• Haddow parks, playground, & walking trails to river. & n+ ?2 h( w4 \: g; f
• lots of grocery place Superstore, Walmart, Safeway, Save on Food, Sobey.
( D/ K. a5 O( i7 |. A2 L, a• Numerous coffer shops & restaurants & more nearby 9 }, s! _: Y/ r" Q' n
• School: $ Z6 \8 f6 W! |- d
- Lillian Osborne High School,
5 ^/ G( p2 x' [9 W. v" m8 Y5 R! s- Mother Margaret Mary Catholic School (High School),
4 `6 x, ~1 R+ o7 ]- a1 }4 Z- Esther Starkman Elementary,
! r6 v# V; A' k: q* l) _" V- Archbishop Joseph MacNeil Catholic School (Elementary/ Junior High School),
/ F0 K7 x" I* d6 M% d- Monsignor William Irwin Catholic Elementary,
5 A7 U+ t1 I+ y; r( A- Esther Starkman School (Elementary/ Junior High School), 9 h  P/ G, j: F7 p/ g' A& O8 Z

7 k2 `) A6 Y9 D4 aRental: 4 w3 ~( H; k! h2 ?3 ?
12 months lease agreement or more ; H& \0 X3 ]5 H
1 month rental for Security Deposit & damage deposit
/ N; L/ V* _% f% Q( `  f1 N  ?0 B
8 P. q4 [. `1 B4 PNot allow to bring any non-tenant over & sleep over
4 s* K8 j6 V$ W8 i) uNo Smoking
6 n+ j6 G5 l) z7 a3 r( P' GNo pet 9 y- z0 ~0 j: Y1 c' i1 o+ I
No party type of person & S- q5 ?- \2 ~1 |. T6 u9 O! a
No issues with drugs/alcohol * J9 \5 w9 A/ ?+ }% R( X: H
Only one person allows per bedroom (no couples, no visitor)
( j4 C6 \3 d  K# {" |+ r
1 B+ H1 f2 [% {% G! XIf this sounds of interest to you please respond by email & I can arrange for viewing room or answer any questions you may have.
  V* b/ x' w8 R9 C% H' D
2 Y# g) d  m1 i) ^% N9 ?- ?8 D** A Jack and Jill bathroom is a bathroom with two doors, usually accessible from two bedrooms. In Los Angeles real estate, the terminology always refers to bedrooms that connect to the bathroom.[1] The bathroom may have two wash basins.
9 b+ V0 ^  X$ H; @: @( M9 e% ~6 R( |" K8 f) ~* N
Keyword: 6 c  L! E* y! @6 ]' V& O
• Nearby neighborhood: $ w. t$ K: M8 m- _
(Terwillegar, Windermere, Magrath, Leger, Ambelside, Rutherford, Macewan Gardens, Leger, Century Park, Southgate, Ellerslie and Riverbend)
8 L, w& v; e0 N; D9 _Lillian Osborne High School, Mother Margaret Mary Catholic High School, Esther Starkman School, Archbishop Joseph MacNeil Catholic School " Z1 G2 A5 J5 R: Y0 `7 [0 d4 v$ ^
Taylor College & Seminary, University of Albert UofA UA, CDI College of Business Technology and Healthcare South Campus
7 m. B* S, n7 N: |! Z4 Y- J
' p% e+ x) X6 g) q: Q8 e# r===================================
: V& `( c+ a$ g1 G, t& A. ^, ~" a6 T; r
补充内容 (2015-10-6 11:11):; @# V- L  t- ?' f) b
有興趣請聯繫本人请联系1 d+ j% _: p: E' S. y( P+ B
手机或短信: (780) 707-0889
* F. n/ O- M7 c) remail:Rentedm@gmail.com
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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-7 12:06 | 显示全部楼层
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