鲜花( 111)  鸡蛋( 0)
山羊 发表于 2013-7-10 14:15 ; ]7 ~( z$ o* ]0 R( O" d/ B: \: c
Thanks. ( c1 `& `5 g2 B3 ?4 i, B+ x& g
so it's hardly fixable when it's close to sidewall?
; Z' g9 I& |9 I2 ^$ Ni do like to replace a pair, just to ... . `- Y' F. K5 N
If the hole is close to sidewall of tire, it is high possibility that the tire will be blown out someday even you fix it up. so nobody wanna to take that responsibility and risk. Replacing it is the best way to be safe; and if your tires had been used for a while (greater than 1 year), better to replace a pair since the new one has brand new tread and will make your cars two sides have different traction power.4 m5 U) S8 y& A" z
1 x: I' P% ]5 N0 l5 U& o* C
Go to walmart or costco, their charges are pretty reasonable and fair for changing tire. Except you have a luxury car. Good luck! |