maybe go down to the police station to file a report/victim impact statement? + L" F5 ~) [+ K% c/ k! ^and provide all the information that you have concerning the other party. 2 i5 ?% l% ?+ I4 g# m4 m' pi know for a fact, if it is a hit-and-run, the police WILL do a paint matching to ensure the other vehicle was involved) f. y/ Z1 L) |0 ^8 n0 l! }
本帖最后由 kingsnake 于 2012-5-2 17:03 编辑 6 j/ z$ L l1 ~/ @, f( l - m. W3 e) r9 j, d: D1 g4 J7 t; r2 Z不知道還會有人聯上地區的,還是新上網的。" N$ m4 {9 Z! N8 Z5 _$ i
* d, i, M7 t( U/ O( b+ x今天對方保險公司來電,說明天來看看他車門 line-up with my damaged spot,再作定奪。- H8 ], F1 g3 ?" L* N3 l' t
說開黑車的是否男的,不是車主?. |5 q' ~# }+ J. A a
警察說了,如果對方說謊抵賴,罪名會的相當嚴重。 + T. \+ T; D6 {! u" N希望事情完滿解決,我也不想有人被控。