Any advices and things to watch out for? 3 l l9 w+ |8 t+ B; Y4 s6 {; ]1 ]; P0 p" U4 _! S) x! t
eg. I learned it the hard way in Calgary, speed restriction applies 24hrs through school zone, while it only applies during school hours in Vancouver... 1 ? \' e& S9 ]- b& b5 W( r( _
+ h, n6 f! b9 L# g6 r- ~9 [# Y8 D
just trying to avoid as many pitfalls as i could... ( u$ ~7 x6 n) P/ p" {; } o0 d$ |
there gotta be momments where we have all thought - "wished someone had told me earlier..." |, H& N, f' X7 D% J