我主要在大学以南活动。在 university station里面没信号。LRT在路上从 health science 到century park 都有信号。8 T( Y5 ?. v" Q! N
southgate mall 里面没信号。外边没问题。9 f$ e9 G" A- E: [
Terwillegar Community Rec Centre 信号很弱。 ' k. q& i, v8 ^- W北边,downtown 去过几次, 信号还行。 + o3 t" H* x, j: Y2 z
I am using mobilicity $25 /month, The signal is fine in the downtown area but don't have singal in Internation Airport area. I band it with ItalkBB, $10 /month. It's free if you call North American and 100 minutes for free if you call China. I traded in my old cell and sim card get $200 credit when I transfer to Mobilicity.(5 months ago)
Neither WIND nor Mobilicity has good singnal, I heard my friend us Fido or telus, it's $25 /month and unlimited incoming call and local call.I think that's good choice. + X7 g# d Y4 nI will transfer after I used my $200 credit.