如题,跟银行买的,条件如下:( D4 a0 r! f' e1 ?1 d$ A) h
no risks, no fixed term, no fees or penalties for early withdrawals, so your RRSP is always cashable # ?0 c6 v) D/ K1 B/ G. v
8 F8 m* w) M) Y+ V是不是,如果我没在报税表上填RRSP contribution,就随时可以取出来,不用返税给政府?因为我没有跟政府报RRSP,政府也没有给我相应的RRSP退税。先谢了!
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Totally agree. Bought RRSP for several years at my lowest salary to deduct the income tax, then I stop to buy it right now, since I believe that I will make more money later and even after I retired, so it is no sense to buy it if you plan the future right.