鲜花( 13)  鸡蛋( 32)
本帖最后由 WARMHUT 于 2012-2-21 10:26 编辑 + V2 E1 g7 C9 X
四十还是惑 发表于 2012-2-18 12:22 
3 ]3 F$ j) U; s4 i1 U亚省反对党新民主党正发起一项网上请愿签名运动,抗议电费不断飙升。但是找不到链接。 - T1 O6 u0 J6 w ~6 e
1 Z4 [! Z" _" v3 ?( e2 ~7 J4 _
我发了一个EMAIL 给议员, 以下是议员的回复:
5 C" T+ z1 b @+ HEPCOR is not a monopoly in Edmonton. ENMAX also provides electrical services to Edmonton and you are free to choose another company, if you so wish. The Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) regulates Alberta’s investor owned electric, gas, water utilities and certain municipally owned electric utilities to ensure that customers receive safe and reliable service at just and reasonable rates. You can find out more information at the attached website:+ A9 M4 B: H. P2 G- n( t
# V T) ~- i& p% hhttp://www.auc.ab.ca/about-the-a ... /Pages/default.aspx
& y7 D+ f# n/ I4 t, Y& q: s( F5 u0 p7 Z' P$ q
等于没有说。。 不知道这帮议员的责则 是什么? 难道只是拿钱吗?* ~7 w1 y" I- d2 G+ A
4 F0 F8 J5 n/ Q, @5 Y以下是我的问题:5 Z8 q% T: @9 G% g3 Q
do not know if this is a right channel to express my concerns or not. I guess every home received the electrical bill that increased so much. it is too much. EPCOR is a monopoly company in EDmonton, Government should have regulation to manage it. EPCOR/Gov should explain why to increase. a public hearing should be hold .& t! F! \ s w$ W: w2 o! H# ]3 _