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鲜花(17) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-5-17 18:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
刚才试用了一下,确实免费的,因为我的SKYPE帐户上的钱没见少。不过效果不太好。有回音。我用SKYPE往国内打电话效果比这个免费的好多了,没回音。戴着耳机听的也非常清楚。比用电话清楚些。收费是大概每分钟2.5分。方便之处是可以预先设定好要拨的电话。点击立马拨通。方便快捷。不便之处是得通过电脑。" ^- n! u  U5 ~" R. ~

$ H, ~  I8 S3 r3 V( F. p3 C大家可以试试,至少在北美,打长途是免费的。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-5-17 19:43 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-5-18 12:02 | 显示全部楼层
: c! I' [2 x; J是不是北美的电脑打北美的电话不要钱啊???) j& Z/ @: I* }3 S' J
还是世界的电脑打北美的电话不要钱啊???% a0 {3 g" z$ z0 w! m" F& \5 W

9 V6 U9 |( B7 l1 D7 f; \! o2 }[ 本帖最后由 tomgod 于 2006-5-18 12:05 编辑 ]
鲜花(168) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-5-18 13:22 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-5-18 14:26 | 显示全部楼层
Free calls to all landlines and mobile phones within the US and Canada
2 ~. R0 a+ V! ?* F4 A. P" D9 w
5 x" V" S2 F) nWe just announced that SkypeOut is now free within the US and Canada to all landlines and mobiles, until at least the end of 2006.
, \' c2 y8 p3 ^, N7 q
  C! w- E% Y3 [8 S/ {* w2 dHow does this work? 8 S6 P( ?& H4 A( Q. u. E; O+ j

- n& j4 b; ^" `4 J2 c( _* w- p4 i/ ^If you’re in the US or Canada, you can use SkypeOut to call any landline or mobile number in both the USA and Canada for free. 5 P2 V1 d, S: c, b$ J

0 p6 ]4 r; ?5 J/ jIf you’re in the US or Canada and calling any other country, OR if you’re in any other country and calling landline or mobile numbers in the US or Canada, the standard SkypeOut rates apply.
$ s0 D: h) p) e0 W9 A8 L6 H1 I8 z+ V5 ]9 h
Of course, Skype-to-Skype calls continue to be globally free, so no changes there.
" G* b3 Q4 A8 F6 [# m
. K. [1 P  H" l' d5 [2 ^Is it really free? What are the strings attached?
+ X& i. M2 L/ p  J* r; ]7 S3 z8 F$ r3 c  u: F+ y" f
Yes. It is really very, very free. There’s no prepayment, no minimum use, no subscription, no monthly fee, no nothing. You just download and install Skype and then you start calling. Both the caller and the number called must be in either the US or Canada. There are no strings attached. ! z# ~2 ~1 p! d, u7 B) D. X. |

; T  z1 R6 ?# f5 T/ B: M& \The only condition is that we have said free SkypeOut within the US and Canada is guaranteed to last until the end of this year — that is, until December 31, 2006. We’re not quite sure yet what we will do after that. Maybe we extend the free period, maybe not. You’ll hear more about this towards the end of the year. $ H4 B" Q& g; f0 U: c
6 c9 u6 R9 b( x3 c1 d) W; y0 r7 W9 q
Until then, happy calling. 2 T7 v4 k( ?- D9 ]+ p& Z, {; I! U

6 Y! t5 A1 u' s# j3 S* Q' b! q( @Trivia ) E* }7 h: n  T" b* P5 ^7 O* ]2 y2 r
$ }# h1 Q+ i/ |3 h+ M  M
Note that if you haven’t bought any Skype Credit, your Skype client may still tell you something about needing to buy some before you can use SkypeOut. Just disregard that and place your call. It will work fine :) We already had this for toll-free 800 numbers where you could call them for free without actually buying any credit so we know this works. And it works on all platforms where SkypeOut is available, which at this time means Windows, Mac, Linux and Pocket PC. 7 [2 A/ t3 O" J- @/ i

4 f/ F* M$ v7 M. n/ aThis also works with call forwarding. If you have call forwarded to your US or Canadian phone or cell number and someone calls you from the US or Canada, it gets forwarded to your phone or cell and it costs you nothing. If you get a call from another country, the forwarding costs you the standard calling rate. Note that this is not applicable with SkypeIn — calls received with SkypeIn and then forwarded with SkypeOut cost you the standard rates. ( L3 ^2 Z6 c! ?1 E/ ~7 h
, S8 t9 X8 }8 E) e8 n- l
As far as we know, this is the first time in history when unlimited calls to a standard telephone network are free without any form of payment or subscription. That’s kind of cool. (Update: ok, as the comments here and on Digg say, there were a few others years ago. Oh well.)
4 L2 ]9 v4 u1 K
* T0 a' Q# E5 T. C( n" _This is also a great example of Skype being lean and mean. We continue to innovate rapidly. From the inception of this “project” of free North American SkypeOut to you actually reading this and being able to use it, the time period was really short. Many thanks to the whole team involved in making this.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-5-18 14:26 | 显示全部楼层
北京时间5月16日消息,据国外媒体报道,Skype本周一宣布了一项针对北美市场的营销计划,美国和加拿大的Skype用户拨打本国或两国间PC 到固定电话或手机将不收取任何费用。此举将对其主要竞争对手Vonage及微软、雅虎和Google等的相关服务形成巨大压力。 ( z) Q7 C5 @2 N; x
7 D* p+ ?+ F5 ?3 p+ _) B
  与全球其它地区相比,Skype网络电话服务在北美市场的普及相对缓慢,Skype欲借此次促销活动吸引更多用户参与。促销计划将持续到 2006年底,期内美国和加拿大用户拨打国内或两国间的PC到传统电话将完全免费,拨打北美之外其它国家的普通电话要收取一定费用,但PC到PC通话仍然免费。
# a/ y7 ?  @% O8 v
8 R/ `1 ?: ]# p" |  Skype称其全球注册用户已超过1亿人,使用其网络电话服务的用户峰值达到了650万人。Skype的此次营销活动相信对用户具有很大的吸引力,对其竞争对手Vonage也是一大挑战,后者预计本月晚些时候上市。与Skype的服务模式有所不同,Vonage的服务可以完全取代普通电话,而 Skype服务最多还只是普通电话的补充,但毫无疑问,Skype提供的“免费午餐”对Vonage用户具有一定的诱惑力。Skype的营销活动对其它互联网服务商也形成不小的压力,比如微软、雅虎、AOL、Earthlink和Google等都提供PC拨打普通电话的服务,并且收费少量费用。
1 `2 ?1 W' r. z3 @' A
2 G/ ^; g" P. u  Skype北美区总经理亨利·高美兹(Henry Gomez)表示,相信此次营销活动将大大加快Skype服务在北美地区的普及。Skype在声明中表示,美国与加拿大两国的电信资费与其它国家相比较低,这也是Skype在北美市场推出免费服务的基本前提。声明表示:“美国与加拿大电信服务的现有基础构架及高效率为Skype推出免费服务提供了可能”。 1 H( }9 e) C, _. ~+ U
  Y; a5 C( v6 S# S: p
  去年十月份,Skype母公司eBay的首席执行官梅格·惠特曼(Meg Whitman)曾暗示,将来Skype有可能提供全免费的呼叫服务,其收入将主要依靠广告或其它交易收费。根据eBay的发展蓝图,电子商务、在线支付与基于网络的通讯服务将被捆绑到一起,而eBay将同时成为这三大领域的领先服务商。预计Skype2006年的收入将超过2亿美元,去年的收入为 6000万美元。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-5-18 14:27 | 显示全部楼层
9 G5 G1 w4 q+ U2 }# p5 y4 E3 M- f% {5 W; xhttp://www.skype.com/download/
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-6-7 16:18 | 显示全部楼层
我已经用了,效果不错 !!!
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-7-3 12:10 | 显示全部楼层
% t* f, T* E7 _  E6 S
5 s& l1 _0 f# r2 a2 w. `3 f4 t. jwww.voipdiscount.com
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-12-22 23:08 | 显示全部楼层


鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-12-23 12:50 | 显示全部楼层
记得 Skype 有一个服务,每年$19.95 ,全年免费拨打北美固定和移动电话。
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