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楼主 |
发表于 2011-12-27 12:32
good-sunny 发表于 2011-12-27 11:19 
9 ^" p/ U5 r* d7 s( B$ n, r1 C: ulz 觉得costco的怎么样? ! ^5 p5 d$ `8 ^# q+ a
: u- ~2 }/ `6 j1 h7 x$ K: S" @CHP (continuous horsepower): The maximum horsepower that the motor can produce while in continuous motion.9 k2 T, T8 I* g6 ]( q. v
1.75 CHP or less: Recommended for 2 hours or less per week of jogging and/or running use, or unlimited walking use.& v# |1 C2 j, @0 v# O7 ~
2.0 to 2.5 CHP: Recommended for 3 to 5 hours per week of jogging and/or running use .. S9 M) b* |9 g3 V+ E3 S* Q
3 CHP or more: Recommended for 5 or more hours per week of jogging and/or running use. / f& b6 e3 N. N, O( \' f: G
Note: Users weighing more than 90.7 kg (200 lb.) may want to consider upgrading to the next higher CHP level depending on their needs.# K! }; m/ J( d0 g( N: L
4 n3 w1 u* R p" |* n3 p; {
所以具体选择哪个级别的CHP,主要看你每周计划跑多少,快跑(running)vs. 慢跑(jogging)的比例,以及个人的体重(不过估计中国人里超过200磅的人很少)。我们家LD好像很喜欢快跑,而且两个人用的话,一周超过5小时也是很有可能的,所以我正在纠结CHP要不要上3.0。/ z( q! R0 f! _/ Q
7 c% i( M. P* I8 L$ E
Costco卖的treadmill里面,CHP在3.0以上的只有Xterra的牌子,是Costco让Dyaco公司挂牌生产的,这个Dyaco还生产著名的Sole品牌,所以质量应该不会差。不过现在没有打折,价格没有什么吸引力。) j, p6 Q/ A/ L! L8 k
剩下的Costco卖的CHP在3.0以下的品牌就只有Reebok和ProForm两个品牌。Reebok的保修比较差(有的评测网站把保修作为最重要的一个评价指数),而且在treadmilltalk.com上有这样血淋淋的评价:“Another issue with the Reebok CrossWalk RT 5.0 is the quality control in construction as some treadmill reviews have complained that the ¼" bolts do not fit the too-small pre-drilled holes in the frame.”,不敢买。另一个ProForm是一个在budget treadmill市场的老牌,保修一般。而且Costco卖得也不便宜。同样的价格还不如买现在轮胎店正在打折的LiveStrong的LS10.0T。 |