Here's a personal promo code to save an additional 15% to use until December 31 or pass the savings along to a friend. 8 r$ B$ Q z3 x( ^8 O% h( `- N( S8 i- R9 H PMVW6B819 G4 k5 |% [: \( F$ g
1 @# n4 t+ U- E7 }% Y- XYour personal promo code can be used at for a one-time savings of 15% off any Tango or Tango Plus fare to anywhere Air Canada flies. We’ve extended the travel period until November 30, 2012 and the booking period until December 31, 2011.) \, x7 y; L* m- {1 {1 |7 X
: {4 V+ V l3 g: N4 y ?- }# d
按现在加航的报价,再加上15%的折扣,3月底前北京来回不超过900加元(含税)。 & c% b; I5 {4 n0 f+ ^) r ( m0 }2 k% g4 |- W/ I6 x非广告,非官方报价,算错了别怪我。