If you want to buy contract material from China, here are the factors you must consider: * Y- V" n( x. |' }+ {- y; i
1. Quality standard and assurance # v4 w( F. {5 ]$ |! P9 YThe quality system in China is different from Canada. The vendor you choose is better to be ISO certified. Otherwise, you may run into troubles after you finish the construction. T6 N( m4 c. S6 F* m # z7 M/ F8 k1 V' K6 y2. Delivery time and cost2 P( n7 i* L: T) @1 V
You have to make sure the vendor you choose can deliver the goods as promised. $ E/ P% x/ _% U" L. z" Y# @" N. ]0 X' `4 b8 x* ]
d; }* ^& p; D& { h$ T) ?
I know a few companies buying goods from China, with some wins and loses. The most of time the price is just one of the factors. 8 Q2 [# W: y) m& V