鲜花( 3)  鸡蛋( 0)
they are both good and bad in their own ways: here's a few examples to illustrate and to compare:
! V" ?$ O0 i! n% [# ]( f4 A' M3 D( R) u+ A% |+ w8 U3 X$ ^
, F6 T0 m- r& N. W, F. `
& u: L4 x4 V$ r3 W2 o3 XPro:
/ f1 U: H" Q+ G/ m% Z- easier to collect large quantities via travelling (return tickets to go to china earns you roughly 12000 points, almost enough to fly round trip to vancouver)
, t' Q) y& U& y1 l! Z1 i6 B5 g2 `- star alliance has more partners, so more convenient for international/domestic flights
# X. a# `1 E! P+ g1 j/ `0 r2 L0 `
4 y( ]$ H6 X: n* JCon:7 F( i) \& o& k! m; Q
- has expiry date of 7 years, plus if account is inactive for 1 year, all your collected points will go away (unless you pay a fee to get them back) L4 @7 v7 V# g) B. L% g
- if you only want to spend the minimum point requirement to get free flights, you'll have to do it very very early. only the first 10% of each flight is eligible for minimum point cost redemption (for example, an airplane has 100 seats and is flying to vancouver, only the first 10 seats can be claimed by only spending 15000 points. after the first 10 seats have been taken you'll have to spend more points to get a seat on that plane. it doesn't matter if that first 10 seats were purchased or redeemed by points.)
: H d+ y r+ `0 l/ q: S4 f
9 ]3 `$ A, l& }$ fAir Miles
; ^3 q4 c0 k0 ~4 M. u4 e1 i% O Y& S% h2 r5 }3 y, ^* J6 b
Pros:! e! L1 G& b- g) \
- any seat on a flight can be claimed using the same amount of points. even if it's the last seat remaining. (tax not included)
5 s T( ~0 G; ?9 V9 m# Q# t- can be collected quite fast if you find the right sale at Safeway as an example or if you use the right credit card. (I paid ~$700 on safeway liquor when it was on sale for a wedding reception and earned enough air miles to fly a friend over from vancouver for the wedding. 1024 points per return flight)
: g) T) N& o; ]- o& q& H1 w* e! b( w# n f5 x9 X; e1 R$ C
6 s7 S7 w# b. }. W
* S7 p% u$ A. c6 P9 Q: h- not as many partners and therefore limited usage
5 c9 m* m1 U: l) v. {4 Q5 z- not sure if there is an expiry date (I don't believe there is but i'm not 100% sure) |