鲜花( 150)  鸡蛋( 3)
你可能说的不是merlot,而是shiraz,但是shiraz还有merlot都是可藏多年的。你看看这个知道的。3 ^1 X: N) }: v
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Through all of this and in almost every climate, Shiraz makes quality wine. It rarely needs or receives the same volume of new oak as Cabernet, it can be delicious and fruity when young, but can mellow with up to 20 or 30 years in the cellar into magnificent wine showing earthy, velvety, almost sweet fruit characters.0 g" y# g6 s% W# f- j* u+ I
( `) J* L$ K& q) a( D4 a m6 \( V
一般只能收藏几个月的红酒品种如 Merlot, 品这种酒就该如欣赏少女一般,年轻是好。 Merlot 一般不能储藏超过3-6个月, 否则容易产生二次发酵,到时味道变的难以下口。! e( s) Z$ _8 ?) z0 l" i
精打细算 发表于 2011-10-6 17:09  |