鲜花( 87)  鸡蛋( 1)

楼主 |
发表于 2011-10-3 15:55
there's also the semi final and final, i like her finals performance
( t" D6 A. ?, a+ Z5 Bthe second song she sang here in the audition is by Bird Mcintyre, loosely translated 孤独一人, one of my favourite thai songs
% i' z" u2 @9 G/ ~, Q: ^+ F7 {weidsun 发表于 2011-10-3 16:11  7 S" U* g% k4 }2 c# N
This is her performance at the talent show.$ {1 I: D9 d2 b9 C& n
Very entertaining....% K; n. T h/ f c8 n
& G' P, G, G+ ] |