Definetly check the flasher relay under the dash. Once you unplug the relay, pop the plastic cover off of it. You can do this with a flathead screwdriver. Inside is a circuit board. Check the soldered connections for cracks. If you find a crack, heat up that connection with a soldering iron. You don't even need more solder. Just heat up what's there. Easy fix. * D/ Q" x( S4 ~
. I: c- y& D, Y9 m P 1. 自已找个铁锤,对着转向杆猛烈锤下去,把转向杆固定。, F; o& V. K: M0 S/ M, g. L
2. 自已找个拆车场,找个相同的车辆,自已拆零件自已安装。 ' @, j1 [4 X, k' u: q6 O$ U/ { 3. 在车内里放几个大石头,开个郊区,找个大湖,把这个破玩样直接沉到湖底,然后找保险公司赔款,买个新车。