the children are too young to understand the value of life. everybody's ability to learn is different. I would say most of you are good at study when you were young since you can come to Canada.: i/ E& f/ Q! L2 w
Q) q9 w$ W, M, l2 O, aThe society is too harsh for the children.
the children are too young to understand the value of life. everybody's ability to learn is different. I would say most of you are good at study when you were young since you can come to Canada.: e3 s5 e! |( ?2 U2 T3 x
0 {) ?4 I# m# F( NTh ...9 m% x6 o9 P4 [) z. ]" k
snowsun 发表于 2011-9-21 17:07
& w" G. m5 c! M# G; M# @6 F* H- n社会是这个样子,你能做的就是加倍的努力,或者干脆就有胆子/本事不写作业。自杀算是一种比较差的处理方式。相比而言孩子的心理问题更是这次悲剧的原因1 v i2 x- e+ A, D2 @4 r/ D* e