鲜花( 2253)  鸡蛋( 32)
本帖最后由 如花 于 2011-9-18 16:48 编辑
2 c0 t P( E0 b, j/ _9 d
% Z9 }4 X% E2 I# ?, v我看了马健威和Alison Redford的网站,重点对比了他们两个的health care 政策,给我的感觉是马先生只是停留在喊口号阶段,而Alsion的政策非常详细,且列明了执行步骤。下面的是马先生的政策,Alison的太多了,就不复制在这里了,可以去她的网站看http://www.alisonredford.ca/issuespolicy/overview.cfm d+ H$ R5 O$ T( w# C5 i
- f+ l" V* l4 m1 k
7 b) I. Y( }" R: W. c7 | n. v
4 i$ L. k- |: Q% R& S: b4 M& o8 sIntroduce a Family Care Clinic model that features multidisciplinary care teams. Each clinic will be constructed as a team with doctors, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, mental health providers and other health professionals. This will:
& B' F- d2 R4 e
( U! z7 R7 y, _. B# Z4 `9 B---Provide access to the most appropriate health care professional while ensuring health outcomes are the most effective
8 b4 g- Z9 I$ E% @: G$ E# C---Offer a more diverse and higher quality range of health care services
( a2 F! [% E& i' m' f0 o0 t( J---Ensure Albertans have timely access to quality health care by increasing the hours of these clinics to 7:00 am - 9:00 pm.
' T# I, o2 L: J- v/ B; x9 q。。。。。。
5 G2 \! C ` `$ I- I, \5 O8 H; g9 Q% [1 u7 I8 ?4 Z; m
Require AHS to publish local quarterly performance reports according to a set of indicators with comparisons to provincial standards in including:
: z/ Z% q! B! P4 L7 o, X# i0 Y9 b( h3 H& x* l
1,Emergency wait times
4 g, X1 k. n7 c. K1 q2,Surgery wait times
- n3 S$ E; \7 K3 B5 P) ?( @ }3,Hospital and clinic acquired infection rates
0 |+ a1 g2 F' @# C4 q# Q! M G! b" F( ?& Q+ P" t
! N+ v4 a- L' D
$ s5 B# E! z9 F2 Q; x% A* O
马先生的:% {2 A3 R5 U' v8 Q
Building a Strong and Healthy Society* J+ E* u. o' _$ j1 _0 q I' P
Public Health Care: When and Where You Need It( d: M1 E6 U9 c& r, K
As Minister of Health and Wellness, Gar Mar was a staunch supporter of public ) c2 p* B% M; S2 W) ] [( s# W( _
health care. He will continue to strengthen public health care for all Albertans,
. J q! i* b( T {2 v3 jand will hold an open public discussion on the future of health care: After seeing
4 ^$ @$ }! Y3 v1 J% J& z# SAmerican health care during his three years representing Alberta in Washington,
6 V2 i6 z( f% S ^9 qD.C., Gary Mar will not allow U.S. style health care in Alberta. e' d. ~3 H: v2 b {* O8 W# G P
, [9 _0 J6 M# e! V: }» Expand Primary Care teams for better access to the right health professionals,
; {" v5 H/ F9 ]% J5 t& ^including mental health and wellness in communities6 G% D. B D5 w# n
9 X [9 O/ e2 ~) b/ y
» Establish a Wellness Innovation Fund to support community wellness & ?4 w2 Q" i9 @' ]! \" [, }2 k
5 o2 I+ A; U4 x/ B+ J# y$ U» Create a single provincial specialist registry for easier, faster access
0 z' k n, M0 I4 s' m) `
9 D5 j* L0 g4 ^+ j! ]5 a" d» Provide tuition refunds for students qualifying in family or community medicine + S6 l1 p7 a, }4 e; b
who contract to work in rural Alberta 8 Z' _( m. ?9 @ Q. y. G- G
8 G3 z; O( d( P% o» Improve people’s access to their own health information so they can take a 5 T" n0 d2 f/ Y9 p" r' m! r
much more active role in their own health |