参见如下网页: ) E% {7 c: j( o ?"Store It, Don't Pour It!" (关于家庭产生的废油)# C4 ^1 S, X4 M5 K; i5 s* Y5 [9 K' z http://www.edmonton.ca/for_residents/ForHouseholds/StoreIt.pdf / W U* \$ Y2 h _4 I U; p4 q/ Hhttp://www.edmonton.ca/for_resid ... StoreItTipSheet.pdf 2 M( f- I, n+ W' o% L! h % T. F$ q. |' B4 s# Q2 P3 `摘抄其中一段: + i$ k. X8 q' |' ~- {; V/ m; TResidents are asked to store fats and grease in a disposable container. When it is full, it can be thrown out with other garbage. Used cooking oil should be cooled and put into a covered plastic bottle, labeled and put out for garbage collection. Residents who are disposing of four or more litres of used cooking oil can take it to an EcoStation.0 T Z( L/ }: ]2 m
& l) _# L5 T) ]% |2 B, H9 k
简单的讲,储存在密封瓶子里,满了就封好,放在垃圾箱里。如果多于4升,就送到Eco Station。7 A5 J7 ?. S. `3 O" p
2 L7 S: ]( ~/ j$ o! c' @& Y
最好瓶子上贴张纸条,“used cooking oil”