hi, I need a carpool to Calgary on this Sunday(August 7). Anyone who can provide carpool to share the gas fee, please call me at 780-6047758.3 f- O+ R1 R! ^: Q# i
! W3 C7 h' M; M6 s/ I0 ]8 d- F
thanks, : B) Q0 A& @3 FShawn' C: `5 i/ T8 K& T n
. W [/ q5 T# d
你好, 我礼拜天(8月7号)需要carpool到卡加里 有愿意carpool的朋友们请联系我电话: ) e% N4 L) l" M" B7 ?3 C
780-6047758. % m" n) Y6 b' g, ^# D ; w# f) Y" G2 h: s! j/ o3 p4 j谢谢.