两年固定,2.99%,算好吗?6 c. z4 O- \4 @9 j6 e$ ~4 s, T7 a
岁寒物语 发表于 2011-7-24 21:52
8 j a! J; g6 q4 Q1 Z
5 [1 C2 k) q- e' O/ S: a
It is offered by Home Trust Canada, the rate is not too bad, but please refer to below link for their admin. fee schedule, then you may re-consider.2 B! @# F8 T! i3 p/ {3 L1 r @2 |
is it time? will it go lower?0 ~9 a3 ?- p) O3 n
SheJing 发表于 2011-7-25 06:56
7 B( e+ J$ `1 T! Z
1 v( P/ C' t, k1 |: p/ O8 [' ?
It's the right time for the fixed rate! it might go lower for another 10 BPS(0.1%) but who knows when....feel free to call me to discuss. thx.