请问各位JM,我准备短期去美国玩,有点不想带托运的行李箱了。我有个20‘的,如果不需要托运,我就带着。因为航班有加航也有美航,我有点糊涂。3 Y& P7 I8 v L
2 u, C @9 u* a: D: @) u2 h不知道我带厂商赠送的礼品小包装的护肤品,不再倒进透明的瓶子和盒子里,是不是放进透明带子里,机场安检就能过啊? : i5 I) U$ r- K+ W8 E7 d0 @6 m1 t% u1 m
另外,去过Disneyland的各位给点建议,除了Disneyland和San Diego,附近还有什么好玩的,和便宜的shopping mall。 ; M. w6 R8 [; B @: l 7 o4 S p4 S g7 A请各位给点建议。谢谢。
I have been LA before - like Disneyland, Universal Studio a lot... I just went to Neiman Marcus for shopping... ( T3 y2 `5 U, \$ N" [: z ( @4 ]9 E# V3 H5 AI suggest you bring 托运的行李箱, it is convenient if you purchase some cosmetics back; otherwise, you need to fit all the liquid stuffs into a small plastic bag in the airport.