昨天下午3点40分左右我在STONY PLAN ROAD路上,快到134ST那个路口等前面的车左转,谁知道后面的车没刹住直接撞上来了,当时还好我没撞到前面的车。后面的车竟然没事,我的车后面的BUMPER凹进去一块但是没烂,左后车灯破了一块。对方想私了,然后今天去bodyshop估价,没想到估出来2600多。下午给对方打电话,对方说太贵没那么多钱,然后想约我当面谈。由于没经验,我只留了对方的保险信息和车牌。如果这样的话,双方保险公司会互相推卸责任么?比如对方不承认是追尾。只看我车后的凹痕和破损的后车灯,能看出是对方追尾么?
我昨天居然收到自称是city police service发来的短信。短信原文如下: "yeah-this message for you-and-yeah-and,it's Constable Hey the Edmonton Police Service calling regarding your motor vehicle accident. The other driver has come in to the bus-to-go station report his portion of the...report-will need you to go to any City of Edmonton police station to report your portion of the -question-report-you need to bring your vehicle involved in a collision and all your documentation for that vehicle report" + M0 `8 ^: }: b( y" P0 j; u
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我昨天居然收到自称是city police service发来的短信。短信原文如下: "yeah-this message for you-and-yeah-and,it's Constable Hey the Edmonton Police Service calling regarding your motor vehicle accident. .... K9 D( Z0 b. U6 M( G, x V
团团 发表于 2011-3-6 15:06
# t7 d' W0 e9 Q# _' V' J3 Y4 T7 n/ k! W$ } f A; a6 u
如此说来,LZ事后也没向警察局备案? . S3 a1 p& T: w! B4 o$ W8 c % U& H! E' Z4 W: O" @