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英语纠音/医疗英语培训 (2011年4月)

鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-2-6 06:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
洪进 & Stephanie 超强英语纠音一日集训(2011年4月23日)
) N0 P5 s2 z- u& s6 p4 V0 R
- \. r9 j: O" h( y地道的英语语音就像是一套漂亮的衣裳,使你的口语悦耳动听,你也会因为标准的语音更加自信。通过对北美发音的多年研究,王洪进老师与深谙汉语的加拿大朋友Stephanie Torchia老师共同讲解独特的北美语音的训练技艺。重点讲解口形、舌位、语调、易混发音以及英美音的异同。同时,我们会系统讲解适合于中国人的发音练习方法,并为每个学员制定一套可以带回家的改进方案。通过反复的训练,你定能击破英语语音--这个影响你学业与事业发民展的瓶颈。
; A6 r& x4 K6 h0 ?: T* t6 O- [( j4 V0 h4 m0 `+ I2 U. b! J, ~
费用共为$50。学员将获得一份我们精心编写的讲义。免费提供简单午餐。" R- A7 d& G( F& |) M+ o# _' f

% i9 B  [* C* r为保证质量,每班最多为15人。名额满后报名的朋友,将置于我们waiting list上。# K' q4 k% F$ y5 L6 j$ {4 J3 y( A

  d8 [- I  H! v6 d: v, c时间:2011年4月23日 (周六)9:30 am to 5 pm
1 ]2 S  h2 c& [9 W; b地点:Strathcona Public Library (program room)         7 h  \8 ~" J! [
             8331 - 104 Street, Edmonton
: Q- b! s% A3 s$ d2 @4 ?- z6 |电话:780-267-3601 (洪进)# J: Y! g. ^; D. g
hongjingoodluck@yahoo.ca8 r7 y6 z$ W+ u5 r5 O  z* K$ l

: e* Q/ x. P) ]! o
& ~) q4 v! {& }7 ]" q" E9 Q医疗英语培训(2011年4月30日), I0 f" r% H4 E$ M
Medical English Workshop
- y( X/ r. Y2 {' _; b3 v移民与留学生朋友们,你是否担心看西人医生,怕听不懂,不能交流? 你是否仅局限于中国医生,不能自由选择? 医疗英语真的是那么难吗?
4 ]5 R* G1 @7 k+ o1 G. }" D为了和中国朋友们一起开拓在加的自由天地,使看医生不再为难,不再局限,现由美国、加拿大注册医学超声影像师王洪进先生发起并讲授常用医疗英语。让你并熟悉各种医疗场景,从而尽情选择家庭医生,专科医生, 2 x+ f% T6 D3 o, a
王先生在过去五年中一直利用业余时间从事教学事业,现为MacEwan University 的课后辅导老师。主要为英语30, 101, 111, 托福与雅思,数理化,以及医学与商业英语辅导。
1 B2 I; _& m- h7 i; {; m . z; L9 L0 u9 m2 u- d1 K
分以下七讲  l' p6 K: p1 e; V2 f1 B
第一讲  讲解剖 (人体各主要器官位置及名称)
5 z, q+ V+ Q- K3 r+ s0 D, E第二讲 讲生理  (名主要系统的功能)
7 D! q  _5 G7 x# q第三讲 看家庭医生常用对话表达(基本病名及其主要症状描述)
! h6 t+ {8 O) e( b第四讲 如何向医生叙述病史(包括疾病及手术)
& h* ^' ^! N: s/ q7 {第五讲 专科医生常用表达 (如心血管、肠胃、妇产、皮肤、泌尿等)
# R3 i: _; e+ ^( K第六讲 女性病人如何描术生理周期及不适
: J8 \  U' p6 q9 i8 O第七讲 如何最优使用加拿大的医疗体系及总结所学 5 w$ T  {3 B/ s: ^
; I" Z+ b4 e9 q% ^0 J4 _; j7 |
& X$ d1 P, [2 H6 C! Z
2 _; x5 E  s. ~+ l' i4 P: ^为保证质量,每班最多为15人。名额满后报名的朋友,将置于我们waiting list上。8 j4 I% l" R7 H$ w, m, q/ H

5 D* {) F7 h) F: ]4 a, G) k! \时间:2011年4月30日(周六) 9:30 am to 5 pm ! s5 u* n- n4 v" ]4 |7 {& R
地点:Strathcona Public Library (program room) * J9 U6 a1 o& t# P" Z" m7 D; \
8331 - 104 Street, Edmonton2 m* Z3 G) u: L) x* Q9 i- U& Z8 \! H

/ i- b. j, h1 j7 \6 b$ i& x电话:780-267-3601 (洪进): e! ]4 ^8 d6 U6 n' A+ m# k
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-12 06:23 | 显示全部楼层
Having worked in the health care career for years, I've seen a compelling need for immigrants and international students to acquire a basic level of communication skills in a health care environment. I still remember at a hospital emergency in Edmonton, a Chinese woman was in tears since she couldn't express her situation: she was pregnant with an Intrauterine Device (IUD) placed in years ago in China. Fortunately, I was able to interpret for her, so the medical staff could address the issue timely. I know this seminar will benefit many people who have a need to understand and be understood by the health care staff. We are here to help you achieve this capability and confidence when you see a doctor or any health care worker next time.
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-20 07:58 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-27 22:44 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Quite a few friends have asked us how much they can improve by attending this seminar.The greatest benefit is that we will help you diagnose what problems you have with your pronunciation and the right techniques to overcome them. Defining the problems is the first step, and correcting them is the second.
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-16 18:41 | 显示全部楼层
The purpose of this workshop is to maximize your learning benefits in a short period of time, by using the unique training system we have developed. We've spent a long time developing the most effective way to correct pronunciation, so you do not have to do all the research, as we've already done it for you.Now is time to take advantage of this great opportunity and excel in your studies and career.
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-20 10:44 | 显示全部楼层
7 D0 a% y; o+ M, }1 a
8 K1 k5 t+ F, W$ @; rIt was a great pleasure to attend a seminar like this. This Medical English Seminar was something I had been looking for. During the seminar, I not only acquried medical knowledge, but also broadened my visions. Especially, I can say now I am really confident if I go see a doctor. Thank you again for providing this opportunity for us to learn.8 n, ]4 A/ k. C2 Z4 h5 r
& m# R- ^" ^+ A- j
Michael Shi
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