鲜花( 4)  鸡蛋( 0)

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发表于 2010-12-24 20:37
1. What are the Atlantic Provinces?4 y# P/ N2 H6 y3 v" V# L
Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick
9 I2 @) ^, `; I' Z1 d
, [( D7 V, [& W/ h5 `& V2. Fatima can work in Canada like a man, because
2 h! _. Z: E/ _* O) A+ dEqual status of men and women
3 t q! J- n4 D$ w2 }
) {$ w) H2 d. H, e. i T5 o3. Function of the police% k* j* |8 i. Z( N' J
Enforce and uphold the law. ( A/ `1 i; k8 q) B v1 G
8 o- h) P* `" ?" @
4. The first four provinces in the confederation /
; `7 V) W3 U5 m& p' N& Z' pWhich four provinces first formed Confederation?
" D3 P& c0 K; S! E4 r; n8 }New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Province of Canada (Ontario & Quebec)3 }: }: o' i3 {. Z
8 a% x V$ u9 M4 t4 V% D
5. Which is not citizen responsibility?% B2 ^6 U/ |- f1 g' \
Learn both official languages.' X% M i. i g$ U D o# f
+ b$ W- ?1 u1 D+ r+ ~ Q6. NOT correct about Canada and USA O* B$ `9 A2 _. s7 o
Canada export little to USA6 W1 g( y7 L) n/ ^
& l; G- n1 F3 W: b. L6 H9 S
7. One of criteria to vote / What is the requirement to vote in federal election:; K- Y$ ?6 h* a2 K |/ Z( `
On the voter list2 ^; v' ?1 }& k) O/ Z3 S( J; E
# H1 X. `& G; k8 p. `/ Y6 ^; f8. Only Canadian citizen can- J5 V6 R9 y0 h6 |3 P; S1 X3 X
Vote in federal and provincial election) i! }# @2 |0 y
8 i# h7 d% `, V! u5 k, V9. Who govern Canada day to day in federal level
2 X; s1 l) g# o% e3 g" h$ @The Prime Minister, J( D7 q# {, I4 W
- e1 w. Z! m3 W3 i' t10. War of 1812 /+ E$ \/ E# \* b D7 @/ s3 j5 a& D. d
The 1812 war between England & United States was important. Why ?- ?" i+ x+ v/ g3 m5 ]3 P( c$ o
; F: A* i: C& ~: r/ k, E
Canada remain independence from US / Canada kept its independence from the United states.
+ ^! w1 Q( [& V p3 S$ Y( U/ G& w- Z( |- x# F1 d+ B
11. BC is called pacific gateway because /
5 a5 `* C+ g5 n. D. C* P9 `Why pacific coast called is pacific coast ?$ G8 B. V8 N! n1 t) h& K# Q' z
( S: X4 Z. f8 M% z- m+ ^: VBillion dollar of goods ship to and from Asia.& F: f5 h8 n# m% k
5 i6 i: }2 d1 ]9 Q! y+ O12. Who do we elect for in federal election? / , ]9 D/ r6 W5 K2 I/ k9 K
On the general election day, when you vote who do you vote for
) O9 k1 J: I1 {2 Z" g6 ]
9 x$ e e. H" c5 ~& PMembers of parliament% r1 R4 Q& W! Q& _/ k) D0 ^# t
9 ?4 T G0 j$ X( Y13. If you did not get voter information card what should you do
) q, l& E- T2 C5 R7 }( ^; l2 ?Call local election office
' f6 q$ k$ N! S# e4 a* u' n% c, A$ c# Y' C( ]" O2 \8 ^
14. Which religion is most people in / . L* I e& t% w4 K* S% h" I
What religion traditionally was in Canada? # L* n" U1 b: ~9 M* r. [0 w. O. P0 a
9 g: l3 `( J( E0 B) j' pChristianity+ S7 {( Y: M% R ~
4 v+ y1 C) F& Z* F
15. What is the largest religious affiliation in Canada?
3 {, o$ x5 O& e mRoman Catholic
: F: h3 t! t: k: C
/ Q# J# c& p5 `0 G- b+ A16. How senator is chosen? /
8 Q7 x- S+ w7 r! e" ?- R* qWho chooses the senators?
; h) M/ X% T4 o
( q7 F" N8 ^. q3 i. l1 N. EOn the advice of Prime Minister
" r; n& G2 e) A4 y9 }% F( X) u$ ?& |/ j
2 C. ~2 a+ I, D17. How do you vote?. J. R } j& N/ M1 q
Secret ballot
$ x, ?+ X, A! X8 ^
8 U! o2 q f2 K# e' _" S2 V18. ‘a mari usque ad mare’ means
& V: G" K$ W% O/ A0 ?/ I% ]From sea to sea( Z. ?+ P: L- k1 A" }
2 j+ ?0 ^3 J$ ~7 @9 N3 [. a
19. Meaning of "sea to sea" motto / what is the meaning of motto "sea to sea"
* t3 q- g% h: L2 b+ a3 JCanada spans from Pacific to Atlantic7 h4 y6 p& m2 D6 w9 R$ ^
This phrase embodied the vision of building a powerful, united, wealthy and free country that spanned a continent) p8 S$ a8 F3 @* `
9 O% `; O" d) l! l; o2 M4 P
20. Federal government responsibility' J' Q% `8 z! Z5 A! d0 h
National defense, foreign policy 1 S% |+ A1 t( A* p8 V0 `1 i
In our federal state, the federal government takes responsibility for matters of national and international concern. These include defence, foreign policy, interprovincial trade and communications, currency, navigation, criminal law and citizenship.% D6 w9 f8 ~6 c Q3 n5 ^& p
4 h8 n' S" U7 E9 t: `% Q
21. Canada’s constitution was founded on what principle? /; k& w8 L7 b; l; H9 E) l) [
Canada constitution is based on
. x3 T! J7 [7 Y% U: r5 O( z+ d0 Z+ F
- L+ w0 A2 I8 V `; d& Z% }Peace, Order and Good Government
# X7 s# S) k' q1 H6 G6 i: Q6 p& d' |
7 b, ?3 l1 N' ~4 b0 p5 D+ _; X22. While taking oath we swear alliance to Queen Elizabeth /
8 z9 k: Y: H1 `+ k% f$ e2 CWhy do we take oath to being loyal to Queen Elizabeth
+ c% J4 ]. x* h5 k, P. q, v+ j1 m8 O; t4 r: _3 L
because Elizabeth is queen of Canada/ I4 h- Y7 r1 S3 M" X( E- I0 X7 ^6 [
2 L d0 f3 |( }0 d8 g$ Z! X" X( X
23. What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship?
" ^, K# ~# Z4 ]( e1 k- K8 F4 {Pledge allegiance to the Queen, observe the laws of Canada and fulfill the duties of a Canadian( F8 A: m- @: y( x2 T
7 u( Y! \1 ~$ Y* O* b& g1 Z. g8 N* _24. What is the meaning of Queen being head of state /7 o4 R6 d% g5 z$ F3 ?0 f
Which of the following best describes the role of the Queen? / : t G+ {2 g& s: V) ^5 e
What is Sovereign(Queen) role?
0 M' |; u' U! s4 z" V! Z" }, _, t2 w% O
Focus of the citizenship and allegiance.3 G$ t6 |: ?3 G
3 }: C$ z' c) Q3 Z% r7 X% i% T
25. David is planing to go abroad, and federal election has been declared, how David can vote/ S% E, M' N, i. {, H
He can vote in advance
; N3 q4 I! [( q9 d. h' f$ Z/ H: \, R: z: u# S
26. Capital town of Canada
& K z) c' r3 u5 c) ^Ottawa
$ d" `4 _: H# {# p- Q1 m4 e6 E! K3 S7 [" t
27. Why we observe remembrance day /- ]3 d# c$ x8 ~, w
What is significance of remembrance day? /
! }6 ?* V/ I9 e& JWhat do we celebrate on 11th Nov9 A- k: {# Q O5 v. J" e- a; g7 H
* g" B- W# @7 U e2 ^0 j4 f
The scarify of veterans and brave soldiers in the wars /4 y9 b. X% v( i* T$ b% Q
Canadians remember the sacrifices of our veterans and brave fallen in all wars up to the present day in which Canadians took part ?$ U( p, L" X5 G
7 t- m! p2 i7 g4 A( ]2 w% Z; {
28. How many Canadian died in wars fighting for Canada
+ l6 h& m: y( G2 Z" D2 T110,000
4 F5 L; [: T, Y) T* y3 _1 `. [+ ^/ |
29. What is minimum age for vote& H2 d5 v+ M- R5 Z
18 years old3 G( }2 q" o! V+ Q t) `4 ?2 ^
+ w6 W4 n f7 s5 H30. Why War 1812 happen between usa and Canada' y+ t. j7 N# m( v
Americans resented British interference with their shipping.1 u, l# t0 N; ]3 z
5 z: K d y: g" o0 @- q/ ^" e7 y( W
31. When was Battle of Vimy Ridge took place?' A @. {' x e" C. P7 W
April 1917- m* C: ]5 }' ]: d6 \" M8 T2 `
0 F+ n1 U! I- ]" Q2 b" b
32. Importance of Vimy
9 O& @! _- |4 M+ P* y: x6 oBirth of a Nation in 1st World War
8 ~' q0 }" Q0 J% {+ Z4 D. T, `1 O8 A: d, Y% g# P8 V/ D
33. What are Prairie provinces?) }4 D# ?- k% t; `
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta& w6 J! e' N# Y+ p6 q! K
- ]+ a3 y2 C1 Y
34. What are the three branches of Canadian government:
8 m" L0 _' f$ X4 w5 UExecutive, Legislative, Judicial (courts)8 @, ~7 b4 M, G O$ d4 e
- ^) ^" V `2 g* y, l8 \35. Which province is the largest producer of hydroelectricity, and pulp and paper:# w$ U: U% Q/ @" e4 M/ N1 y+ K
( R/ u9 L% n( S2 Z1 N/ N$ T, ?' c$ c* ?. [0 d' s- L
36. - Why trade with other nations is important for Canada and Canadians?
' J A3 H" |# D+ Z0 u% t5 b; lTo maintain our high standard of living# ^) [3 a* Y1 z
5 j5 g, k* z: H9 m, i( h- Why trade and export is good for canada?
; N: O; n# n. \( t( g' ATo increase our trade and increase our standard of living.7 d, A2 o+ J# p9 G; K3 V! w
7 }2 i2 l9 X! M3 x- P1 M7 N37. - The form of government in Canada is
$ {* Y; J2 v( f2 E1 b# t" L. bFederal State, Parliamentary Democracy, Constitutional Monarchy# N$ h' L; [* M0 C6 I- C" [
) U+ Q# O, k- n" @- e- What is Canada system of government ?2 t; h; j- r9 a, p& w( X" K
a federal state, a parliamentarydemocracy and a constitutional monarchy.
7 d; j$ k; a# l3 d G2 ]# v3 C$ R( I9 v2 N+ w
38. What is constitutional monarchy? ; r, w8 m2 |4 T
Queen has limited powers and is the Head of State, where Prime Minister is the head of government.% Q0 x4 j8 _* y2 X; D" W
4 ~$ Q# a h; @9 u: ]
39. - What does the voter information card has:
% p' L4 }7 A$ v. I5 l& T n
4 L) K1 c* J& `, Z0 W3 t- What does Voter Information Card Contain?4 i1 q! |" V' O
This confirms that your name is on the voters’ list and states when and where you vote.* s8 ^# Q8 M G" _5 l/ y$ J
40. Who can vote in Federal Election? /
, X/ }/ o& p A) xWho has the right to vote in a federal election? /( A! p& Q; `% W4 [4 s
Who has the right to run as a candidate in federal elections?
1 b6 l3 d2 x( [1 I' l9 ~/ C$ Z+ \7 p/ T' w# F: \$ A" _- S6 A
A Canadian citizen, at least 18 years old and be on the list of electors.- j! ?9 A6 B( p
, }! H8 k+ u/ v' h" F41. Who can run as a candidate in federal elections?
`* F% B8 `( x7 DAny Canadian citizen 18 years old or older $ E# M, `# R$ P& o% \
0 D1 U* |* H8 R5 u' C3 N42. What do you write on a ballot paper:
% _! O6 u$ \; H$ r" QMark a “X”
# s8 c' @3 P9 A9 P! B" B. a j: b5 [* X* E* ]$ x: T7 ~ w
43. - Register of General Electors contains:
" O. ?! S2 C' p" L0 UList of all Canadian citizens who are qualified to vote in election and referendums- m5 z* i- @2 Z& w
1 U: d1 ^' h8 y) [- k7 E
- What does National Register of Electors contain?
# m G+ u1 [9 v( ^. tA list containing Canadian citizens of at least 18 years old to vote in federal elections and referendums8 b5 j3 L0 G; n7 t" v. l1 V
" d- H$ t* h- ]/ w: i2 w
44. Which part of Canada is sometimes called “Land of the Midnight Sun”3 v; U" ^9 K1 Q1 Z+ p- k9 S
The Northern Territories
/ c4 G; ~# G' y$ s/ P) e5 M, {+ A- d5 Z1 `+ V
45. What is the significance of D-Day in our history: /
\: z7 [; t! QWhat happened on D-Day?
. o) S c' Z- i ]$ H6 @1 f1 a- v: z% Z E1 n/ n# Z. t
Canadians and the Allies landed Normandy to free the French
0 ?) B* b1 Z, q, \, x
8 \, E0 u- A. [* ]1 s' d- u46. - Why do we celebrate Canada day on July 1:
& ]- I0 H) ~0 n; [To celebrate formation of Confederation / Canada as a self-governing dominion% M/ Q/ X3 j ^3 ]& S# w, R
/ J8 f0 G: {# u( o7 L6 n* f, Z& s- What is the significance of Canada day ?+ `1 O. f$ M* T. m
It is to celebrate Canada as a self governing dominion
! J! O2 @2 p! l: }
; ?4 f5 B+ Y' H! Y! F" a& N- what do we celebrate in canada day3 u' ?4 B3 c( f6 W0 G2 x
we celebrate the confederation of canada
+ W4 `; t2 T. J. |* o* o+ A; G. l# ]( v* m0 ]* }
47. What are some of the duties and responsibilities of Canadian citizen
% a! _% P5 Q. pServe on jury, work, obey the law, take care of one’s family" f2 g7 h" V2 w5 {
4 Z5 F* y& z9 G, F( p3 i+ d, I
48. What three oceans surround Canada?# F; `7 X6 P# z d5 D
Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic Ocean0 L% P8 N, X+ j5 v" A. X ?( [
3 Q! v6 W! X* }8 w49. What are some of the sources of our rights and responsibilities:6 j5 I) Y0 {; k4 V) Z) u1 Z
Our history, laws, tradition and values2 a: U# ~1 Q0 E4 l3 `( |+ Y* W
1 {3 M" p* H6 V7 d3 {6 \50. Our legal system is based on: /0 ~( l& S& K( P* p5 \2 {
How does Canada’s legal system based on?
3 g: P3 u: S3 x
9 s8 X: A/ }5 C5 K( |$ s! wEquality before law and freedom under law0 }8 b8 x" x# e6 Y! ]
$ |! u5 i& ^5 y2 X0 b" {9 i51. According to Official Languages Act of Canada do you vote?
. P/ t5 y- I9 x9 q' |5 v% d2 F% sEach provincial government was encouraged to offer services to its official-language minority community2 d- _8 v! x% ~% R
. k& L6 T" z2 |5 Q" V4 W( P3 K: U52. What are the two official languages of Canada?' y3 P5 k! C. t; Q0 y( H
English and French
' _0 j3 m+ X, d8 d8 N! R# D: Z+ b) a5 T& a4 [ Q' b$ U) @9 I5 D
53. - What is the most popular winter spectator sport of Canada?
5 s5 k" W' N* |% T$ hHockey
% Y) u3 \4 a, ~% ?) g! p1 J/ i' [/ `7 o5 b" L7 G
- Why is hockey significant for Canada?
5 R I5 z9 i8 d# N5 f4 u7 B" cIt is most spectator sport and official winter game" @0 f! x' V& M7 U
3 v5 q7 x0 b, |1 L1 r54. Which one of the following matters are responsibility of provinces:9 f' \& b; J# D) C- ?
* M: {" L1 w& Z; K6 h
55. - When Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) was completed in late 1800s it:) V2 ?9 N$ `. |: ]
Provided a means for connecting eastern Canada with the west; {5 w6 R! Z/ b1 |
/ B; G0 z5 A6 e! {+ Y6 [3 q- How did Canadian Pacific Railway helped Canada?- L9 ]% f; M; D1 `$ X* u" s
Helped to unite Canada’s East and West, v7 F4 D% A7 G' v$ n
* ^5 }6 D- ~& _$ D- ? [' j' ~56. How Canadian discovery of Insulin helped the world? /
2 `( [+ j8 H; P7 Q" Z8 EWhy was the discovery of insulin by (Canadian of course) important?9 t& F# G2 L/ P2 t/ U
Saved millions of the world in the treatment of Diabetes
+ x; a% }- U, j8 k" k$ ~, j. i
! A0 ]1 K) z/ K% B9 o& ~ q57. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms begins with words-8 y% F5 O- _# k& x6 p5 |
Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law.
4 {' l8 h6 l$ R4 f) ~1 }; r+ j3 J0 [( T
58. Who are 3 founding people of Canada?
! n2 r& m' R5 k3 v! @9 s3 V/ {) |0 |% KAboriginal, French and British.0 y8 f6 w+ g. G: C4 v
- L2 ^1 ]! ~' k+ u# u D+ ^8 i59. How long have aboriginal people lived in Canada
2 J( h9 Z- C1 E! `9 U! @Migrated from Asia 1000 years ago9 S U' D. Q$ D5 U$ O6 g
) _" ] ^3 ^7 {3 A# d. y60. Who was first Prime Minister of Canada?' Z0 ^; S5 `+ ~4 I& f+ j% T
Sir John Alexander Macdonald, V( g! m/ y: J: ]0 X7 J
( H" U% t$ t6 G+ N# u61. What is the role of Opposition parties?; J% y6 v3 Z0 M7 r: |
The role of opposition parties is to peacefully oppose or try to improve government proposals.' A$ u' b; f. Z1 X
/ Y% R; X3 f" c, _; ^62. - Crown has been a symbol of Canada for 400 years as....
: e* V6 v Q7 X4 {2 UCanada has been a constitutional monarchy in its own right since Confederation in 1867 during Queen Victoria’s reign.
0 W2 _# k) `9 \. A- What the Canadian Crown is a symbol of Canada
% [! c6 O' \6 A7 A& Zbecause Canada is a constitutional monarch6 x1 k- X2 q, K- |" x7 u& }! w
, T6 N* M, b7 ~! o( h: b; ?7 Z
63. What the Crown does mean for Canadians?& ]8 t" [2 ~3 l0 B6 f5 d( q
The Crown is a symbol of Government, including Parliament, the legislatures, courts, police services and the armed forces.
" G# K- @* h) f0 I+ W1 u, S& @2 H! N8 r- a
64. Victoria Cross honour is available to Canadians for ... /
2 u- E7 ^4 n" H* u+ T$ m: M) VWhat is Victoria Cross1 t% C$ H. T1 c& p7 S1 {" v/ R
3 Z9 J: I O2 o( V
Conspicuous bravery or self sacrifice Canadians.3 j; N5 R8 ^! d- q, a, J9 P9 l, }
65. What the highest honour Canadians can receive? 3 \! x8 l$ U% e: M4 J
The Victoria Cross+ g* o2 L7 K# d( K: p0 y; P5 ]; i* m
66. Who are partners in NAFTA agreement? /7 ]7 [# E0 o- d x
NAFTA is between which countries. Q8 t, H, L" @9 f
7 [2 j* R. Y" E2 ?) E& { US, Canada, Mexico
+ x1 x( F$ U) `6 m
% a/ [* e1 Q6 o67. Advantage of NAFTA agreement
3 R/ N9 {' V4 s! |! |( u/ AFree trade between Canada, USA and Mexico $ F3 ^3 G3 W% }6 Z, W/ s
3 U* k$ I) Z0 ~8 a3 [2 L l
' \4 c1 N# a" D' Z9 d8 o) H9 k2 t$ X68. Which Province is the largest producer of Oil and Gas?
" ?0 u$ F0 E$ P$ s* p, O+ f' HAlberta
; O/ ?, k# V2 S4 b ?8 |* J7 J- o( e W/ V
69. What is meant by the term “responsible government"?4 k; k" n4 o- L* E
If the government loses a confidence vote in the assembly it must resign. /
, R" ]$ I. R# ]1 ~The government must resign if loses the confidence in the assembly vote.' I9 O( K, o& c0 D3 `
7 l( K/ _- E5 C) M" P
70. How is the government formed after an election? /
d' g4 X! b! FAfter a federal election, which party forms the new government?7 z( T# L+ ?0 a3 [ p
The party with the most elected representative becomes the party in power.8 R2 }' E9 o& w9 A& i: {8 A
$ C$ }( F5 \" ~2 X- V* r71. Name four fundamental freedoms that Canadians enjoy? o+ Z+ v: @% E+ }# s# }
Freedom of speech, religion, belief, expression: Y. q% ?0 s& _6 |
0 A2 x* @& |4 H4 H' L
72. One third of all Canadians live in which province?
- E1 H; _5 D3 Z' F& kOntario9 P2 D3 G. t7 n/ C" p' p
1 G D% g! ?& Z5 v/ h0 d73. How are Members of Parliament chosen?. E x# J; C5 b- z4 I' K
Elected by Canadian citizens. / By Canadians who vote in federal elections
( f& c1 w+ K. x( i4 t7 q) u
# _$ H% h: ?2 k5 K# A74. What are the three parts of Parliament?( R9 k& I4 Z# f) @7 x
The Queen, the House of Commons and the Senate
' B. V' o& d% P5 T1 t, g; ]6 T+ B
75. What is house of Commons?
7 Z7 \" ]6 o- L2 m2 Z8 f) n, WRepresentative chamber made up members of parliament elected by the people. & p# E' y- Q7 t8 r* A" r
The House of Commons is the representative chamber, made up of Members of Parliament elected by the people, traditionally every four years.& V o. a5 o5 J" ~- c: Y2 l
" \" {; |* g2 ^8 ^' g I0 y
76. What is a Cabinet Minister?) e3 U6 q8 C' W: x9 ^8 q9 Z0 z' \, x
MP selected by the Prime Minister and is responsible for running federal departments.
. Z a; W% O3 l/ _. T; M5 c! @* f, {7 H4 e& s0 i5 G: A" O' ]
77. How is the Prime Minister chosen?: c1 o F5 Q2 K+ x5 M: a
The leader of the party with the most elected representatives becomes the Prime Minister
) ^0 n& B% S \* a# F! h) n# u! k6 x1 {
78. What country is Canada's largest trading partner?6 E, }7 j& D4 {
United States of America.
8 ^$ ?0 L m( k' p! F
! F% S" p/ D/ @& w7 Y7 \1 L79. What level of government passes "by-laws"?! M( r. k U& b# {% S7 A' p
Municipal or local government.+ H9 r; }. T! ~% O0 r3 o0 G
" f& N. u! |/ G% z4 [; t2 [8 N0 I80. Responsibilities of Municipal Gov.: t Z8 d/ a! Z" n3 V
Firefighting & Garbage Disposal4 f$ x. r% o( w- K, Y/ Z l) k+ o
# b0 O, \- j2 A5 J$ \5 b- w# @81. What does the Canadian flag look like?9 N( C$ @$ V/ m
White with a red border on each end and a red maple leaf in the center./ \; D( _5 c; S
2 u' d" m- i8 \* [) y82. What was the Women’s Suffrage Movement?" K( q5 _( u6 m( g- i+ O7 J7 X7 Z
The effort by women to achieve the right to vote.: c7 T/ D6 D& J5 h1 m2 ^1 h
* X# {3 z6 ^, N |! j83. A Member of Parliament from Montreal decided to spend the weekend in her electoral district. This means she will be
4 D% `3 y- |0 j8 Q7 ^In some part of Montreal where she was elected 3 f9 P$ V* z8 @% ~; Z3 Q4 Z
5 p- o0 \8 x6 A0 k9 y* g U84. There are three territories in Canada. how many provinces
& s# e% Q; h" m% S104 I. ^! O6 {4 C
4 J2 r6 j4 |4 k2 i
85. - What's the significance of Fur in Canadian history? i0 L7 f# ?$ B+ b( |
The first companies in Canada were formed during the French and British regimes and competed for the fur trade.
2 D6 J& T% G2 L+ A6 q, Y% C9 B5 A
# u7 k( l: d2 M" S1 K- Why is the fur trade important to our economy?
, |' z. g8 [/ l/ sThe first companies established in Canada traded fur that's why we have the beaver as a national symbol.# C0 q. N" F0 O$ U) [" m* |: f% {
) B/ `' B: O$ Z7 X+ U5 Z# N# D86. What's Terry Fox's contribution:
) ]& {, {- F' E& F: j! x6 \Inspiring people to contribute money for Cancer research
) r! ~. s) K$ g( C8 | V
4 F' _5 e5 z# O$ {8 X87. How a bill becomes a law
) A+ K7 O. a" o6 ^6 DPasses both the the House of commons and senate, then receives royal assent.& r& \5 N1 ?$ |9 ^/ n
Both the House of Commons and Senate consider and review bills (proposals for new laws). No bill can become law in Canada until it has been passed by both chambers and has received royal assent, granted by the Governor General on behalf of the Sovereign.& U( g& l6 `# n5 b: n4 v
* f x9 A ^3 ~, W8 B% ^2 y$ a
88. What's an electoral district?
1 A: e, g* O% Z- K r$ q4 cAn electoral district is a geographical area represented by a Member of Parliament4 }, ]" T9 o& ^+ t1 ?2 y d o- i$ u
/ t2 b! v& c9 ~" |4 m
89. Which province is the most easterly point in Canada / S2 }7 V" K) Y" r
What is the northeastern province in Canada and has its own time zone?- c. ~1 T: U- k# ^/ I2 ` f
5 ]& _( S* z0 @7 S4 y6 s6 S2 b
Newfoundland and Labrador
: ^! B/ V& u6 s6 r+ [# ^$ V) v. {* D% s0 @8 ?0 o* H+ }3 G
90. Which civilization is the biggest part of the Canadian population
' c7 K7 s2 S- t: `) pEnglish/French6 l) {0 y8 @; G+ d# [1 e/ ]! [
" S. z. p2 u- u: @* F; U. V9 I91. What's the meaning of "presumption of innocence"! g+ a9 T* X& o3 R0 ?5 ~
Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.3 ~ j4 U/ v- ?- w; K: q3 _7 S
! D( A& w, B% L& T+ P% d92. Under Canadian law, why everybody is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty?, T1 e% b$ O/ r& U8 Y
To guarantee due process under the law 7 k7 X8 {( Y, M l- P* n8 N g
/ T1 g, |6 i8 h- O- H93. What are the privileges of a Canadian citizen? /0 Z: y; a" r+ [# `3 \ x
What is the thing that only Canadian can do ?
- Z7 U5 f) |4 q; u/ j
8 d$ r, s, v, O. LTo vote
+ S- m5 |* X& Y2 O1 M
; N8 f h3 Q* X; Z2 `* ?94. Polic & Judges are above Law" u6 d4 A% ^% L- p% l) P
No One is above the Law 0 J; L8 F$ |" W/ k& Y; u
; q+ N9 E+ g. r: q) n- l95. Quebecois is$ P1 _- t5 ~2 G8 C# W% I/ G/ o
Form a Nation within united Canada
3 \) L. U. K: X& v4 _6 j) v/ [! l' l. z" O- c
96. - The act of Quebec signed in 1774 allowed people from Quebec to worship the Catholic religion. What are the repercussions on Canada’s modern society?
# T. }2 b. o: HEveryone can worship a religion as long as its respects the law. / Practice of all religious traditions in equal under the law in Canada
% p$ d' I& k' D, {7 B- h
: |8 u j" f$ Y; {* d0 m$ a! U, `! U6 ?5 ?" ^
- Influence of Quebec act – Canada' J3 [2 n6 Z1 S* E; d7 Y
Tolerance all religions under the law) y8 z$ w, V' _( Q
* n3 G3 |! f& e& a1 N97. The values of Canada2 r. a3 T9 t+ X/ e2 _/ p
: {7 E# @4 N2 `- S98. Which animal is the symbol of Canada?3 j. q; c% K. h. S, ~6 @/ @9 \
The beaver
6 M3 G% F; G2 @" V
. D3 T/ o- [- v7 r. f7 @# F- o2 U0 q99. What is the role of the Head of State and the Prime Minister?
3 }2 A2 C; p/ YThe Head of State is limited to the rules of the Constitution; while the Prime Minister is the Head of the Government
4 h' W5 S& B+ \: N/ z: v- L& f* E5 r$ ~
100. If you cannot pay for a lawyer, how can you get legal help?' O Q+ R$ k* p/ m* K, X+ Y- z" d# I" z
Go to legal aid services
* O, \0 p& U4 ~, |; k, J" n& E/ Y0 b) q* s: o
101. What does equality under the law mean? - R( n- X% ^' C8 P: o" B
Being treated with equal dignity and respect, and having equal rights to speak out and express ideas. |