该找工作了 需要参加job fair还有面试什么的 * N" i* s' I5 h U7 V, Y) G. E A2 C- c: c& t; _" N/ u. B
想买business attire 和 business casual 2 S0 [6 y( X9 v1 r 0 M# x3 F9 A, U请问大家能提供一些平时买衣服常去的mall 还有推荐一些品牌吗 {# l0 m+ g- G& P+ x& _: a' M S' M3 f W E" L
非常感谢 2 p) S- e3 }* A( y% {* j ( Q/ q, h9 q0 V/ Q. {土人,来自萨屯儿 这边实在买不到可心的衣服了 郁闷得不得了!!
12#skybird . s* O; T- s0 v7 H fI don't know neither. 5 I. R r* c2 Q/ ?, o
Also, you can try BCBG. Regular price, a suit is around 500, but on sale, you can dig out some nice pieces for about 200-300 bucks.
12# skybird 3 e$ a2 [/ K3 i8 k4 _* ]& a
I don't know neither. 4 [; Y# h/ [9 p
Also, you can try BCBG. Regular price, a suit is around 500, but on sale, you can dig out some nice pieces for about 200-300 bucks. . ?% X# Z; O4 q4 Emonicapharm 发表于 2010-8-31 11:11
5 c- b( L8 D$ Z( H& }6 q
$ {" V. _8 w: c, @+ wI tried some dresses before in BCBG and it seemed there was no fit size for me. But I haven't tried their formal suits. Thanks! I will go and check it out.