解決的辦法: " c) ~# B+ t- n, _5 _: B如果你是半年交費一次的,就在限期的時候轉另外一間保險公司,你就只給墊底費。: t, \. H/ v3 s6 L
另外的保險公司應該不會加你到 $3600吧。2 ~% ^) t t3 C1 k' W% {3 p( F2 g
找 精打替你轉吧。就算加你雙倍,你還是賺了。
The aggent is bullshitting you. you have the right to choose pay by yourself or let insurance do it. by the way, the repair should be way higher than 300 enven for a normal brand, it could run from 600-800 for repaint the bumper. For a Benz, it could be higher but not as high as 2000. you have the right to let the benz ownner check price in more than two shop and pick a more resonable one.