大家好啊,我是国内的一名大学英语老师,硕士毕业,我老公是浙大的分子生物专业毕业,但是现在做公务员。还有一岁多一点的女儿,不知道我们这种情况申请移民容易吗,雅思我可以考的。我们这种情况好找工作吗?5 j' a7 Y) E, a; z% M8 A
本帖最后由 xchen 于 2010-7-23 14:44 编辑 5 ?: b4 O. z3 Y1 t# o# }2 h
- i: O7 f0 U( S- y* B2 p. Q
If you have a good career in China, better stay at home. Most of us have to earn an degree or diploma here in order to get a decent job. Think twice before you will made the next move. Maybe, try to come here as a visiting lecturer or something else. Immigration to a new country might be a big change for a family. Don't listen to those immigration agents no matter where they are from (They are making profit from you that almost guarentees that they will lie to the clients. It's just the way of running the business for profit.) Of course, it would be different story for rich people who want to burn their money.
国内有好工作就不要出来.全家出来是一个新起点,一切从零开始其中的滋味只有过来人才体会. # w, e; G+ o( A: _目前直接申请移民可能获批的机率比较小,个人建议你和先生其中的一个出来看看,或工作或读博,出来待个二年再决定.按目前加拿大的经济状况新移民能找到专业工作的机会不是太高,出来要做好思想准备,为养家糊口体力工还是一定要接受的,这种心理的落差只能自己安抚.# |8 u3 A' M. e; K' I0 a0 U9 P
你自己和老公是否能吃得苦中苦却不一定能做人上人?请三思! 如果决定出来就要有既来之则安之的心态,不要朝三暮四,海归不好当,人生苦短没几个好年头可以来回折腾滴!