“好吃不如饺子。”饺子是最具中国传统特色的美食,一年中最喜庆的节日———春节中的代表美食也是饺子。 外用早泄药为什么国人如此钟情饺子?又为什么要在初伏吃饺子呢?7 B. N$ Q* b. s8 C' k. ~2 E& {
; A, Z5 {. C. }+ i j 过去,人们感觉炎热的夏季是一大灾难,伏天被称作“苦夏”,清代文人李渔在《闲情偶记》中就说:“一岁难过之关唯有三伏……”入伏的时候,恰恰过完麦收,家家有粮,正好利用这个时候享个口福。 延长性生活时间饺子是平时难见的食物,当然是首选。天热令人胃口不好,吃不下东西,而饺子正是传统习俗中开胃解馋的好东西。所以,人们在头伏吃饺子,希望能平安度夏。3 W0 D7 ]. l- u/ F3 j& P! f
In Asia, particularly among the Chinese and Japanese, education is all-important in elevating one's status in life. The priorities are getting into good schools and good universities which ensure employment and prospects of a bright future. Responding to this demand for a quality education 14 years ago, the Shanghai Singapore International School established its first school in China. ' W6 ~: F5 c0 h* r+ Z4 |. _http://www.urbanatomy.com/site/ssis.htm international school in shanghai8 W0 ?6 K _/ T" n