5#兔宝宝 % R3 y4 X% J, {- K2 z6 F# C $ h+ V' w, t/ f ' x7 e' w# j/ U5 M( A: [what is the TOP? No idea. where I can find the Number? I have no idea for this? I never use that? Could you give me a link to figure out the Colore Number? , S. a( m. N( C/ z" q3 g( oI just see this post, and I am looking for Nail oil also. / h9 ] {. p1 {* M
Sorry I can't type chinese in office
5# 兔宝宝 5 c2 N C6 M9 \4 |! I K! F1 q" `, t! e
3 H2 Q* q8 k6 }" V0 }. m
what is the TOP? No idea. where I can find the Number? I have no idea for this? I never use that? Could you give me a link to figure out the Colore Number?; m# x0 [7 y% B6 R! c. ^; ~
I just see this post, and ... 6 g( w5 b+ {) Nfrancais 发表于 2010-6-30 15:45
' P- |( f- V6 B% F
$ x7 I f$ j+ B
菜丝,there are too many sentences start with "I" in this. It felt tired to read it. 开玩笑,别生气阿。 6 E6 J4 z6 ?% p; O8 t“top"就是无色的指甲油,OPI有3in1的,就是上颜色指甲油前用,上完指甲油后用,