埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-6-1 23:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
上海(台湾)dos-hop街舞培训机构:暑假街舞培训班火热开幕,让我们在炎热的夏天尽情挥洒我们的汗水与热情,释放我们的活力,使夏天不再炎热,不再浑浑噩噩,让我们活力一“夏”。享受只“暑”于你的一份清凉感觉!暑假街舞培训班特色课程推荐:综合基础入门班.每周六下午,周日晚上循环滚动开班.适合不同年龄.没有街舞基础的学员学习街舞.6 ^" d  ~0 x5 L2 b8 ^; k1 m
课程内容包括了.大家理解的街舞初级,细致的分为.HIPHOP.REGGAE.JAZZ.LOCKIN.POPPIN.GIRLS-HIPHOP.6 ~$ B) p9 H' U) D  o6 l
通过综合舞蹈种类的教学方式.让大家学会如何运动身体每一个关节,同时通过科学的教学方式.耐心的教师让你学的是跳舞的方法.5 x3 c/ H: @7 |. W
跳舞毕竟不是做广播操.需要先学会如何运动那才能真正的学好.不是单单模仿老师的舞蹈动作.! H7 H% r3 f' p, F" _
综合性舞种学习对之后专攻某一门学科是非常的重要!!登陆我们的网站  www.dos-hop.cn 或者添加客服QQ:825034235/1293107918
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-6-2 03:45 | 显示全部楼层
In Asia, particularly among the Chinese and Japanese, education is all-important in elevating one's status in life. The priorities are getting into good schools and good universities which ensure employment and prospects of a bright future. Responding to this demand for a quality education 14 years ago, the Shanghai Singapore International School established its first school in China. * j. ]2 V1 t* }1 C4 b
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0 H2 L4 S& V- J% a7 _; }3 M  l5 cBrazilian jiu jitsu is a grappling-based martial art whose central theme is the skill of controlling a resisting opponent in ways that force him or her to submit. Due to the fact that control is generally easier on the ground than in a standing position, much of the technique of Brazilian jiu jitsu is centered round the skill of taking an opponent down to the ground and wrestling for dominant control positions from where the opponent can be rendered harmless.2 a9 E  [; Z4 Z: \# j2 m- ~' }: _
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没有时尚喧嚣,只有静谧。在42℃的室温下,带着一点小资式“自虐”,热瑜伽——这种来自美国的欧式现代瑜伽,深受国内外众明星追捧,近年来风靡北京、上海,引发一批白领夏日追随的。 http://www.urbanatomy.com/site/yplus.htm 热瑜伽
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国际顶级专业师资、丰富大量课程设置、双语特设教学、周末特色工作坊、世界著名瑜伽大师来华年度授课……Y+瑜伽会所以高端视野、一流服务全力打造瑜伽主题与文化,展现瑜伽纯正魅力。http://www.urbanatomy.com/site/yplus.htm 瑜伽 教练 培训
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