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7 q. l; G p6 \. H" U# r; pDuring the Christmas season, summer and its body-conscious state of mind ) F" `3 P- x& |' Y5 Z
are distant memories. Hearty indulgence in the many foods shared at Christmas
+ k) a: y2 H6 `: Z1 @4 Vtherefore doesn't produce the same feelings of guilt. Nevertheless, its not a
& i. M4 o% L. W. c7 b+ Ypleasant thought to start the New Year carrying any extra pounds. So why then 4 m' q6 k" i @
eat yourself into a resolution to 'take off a few extra pounds' if you can ) m1 D& n' a& W5 Q; _* ~3 @
smartly avoid it?
3 M/ j, R; I- M- B$ y?Whether it's sharing cookies and candies at work, or having an evening out
" x% V# |" W3 ^* c2 d! a' N5 |1 rat a party or dinner, you can have Christmas food and enjoy it. While you seem
; r; e0 G n, }' I" X* W! |, M9 E4 y ]to be eating heartily with a smile, the key is to have a secret strategy of
- k6 Q9 C5 N# U" k' Xmoderation. It involves sticking to a plan that can be called 'Eating on a ! T( o6 I5 s4 H4 M( D
Budget.'8 O2 _' J) K H2 M
) [- y n& ]9 c* {. } K/ \http://www.christmas.moneybizhome.com? w6 c% {' _# p' ^ @! b t/ w9 @; n
?'Eating on a Budget' is not about the cost of what is eaten, but about the , @1 f6 _& f ~* c9 m$ S3 {
quantity of what is eaten. It is important that a 'budget' or eating in $ {" L& ]# Q9 y, z Z- }
moderation plan is developed because it is almost impossible to avoid exposure : Y6 @- ^: @/ _4 w. O# K
to a lot of cookies, candies and other sweets at Christmas. At work, you may
1 y* o- @" }) a$ S) Urisk appearing like the Grinch who stole Christmas if your response will always ' V4 x0 x6 t& i0 A* w3 c
be something like, 'Uh..no..bah humbug' all the time that some Christmas goodies * U/ U! t+ @0 Q f3 R- @- l
are offered. It will seem as if you aren't in the spirit of the holidays ) y3 j' T2 |0 z/ C1 n! z
especially since at that time of year everyone is usually in a festive and more
. H9 e m6 ^4 P6 s9 `: F6 n( zrelaxed mood, and the pace at work is usually slower. 2 |3 X2 V4 N% z) q
?A practical way to partake in Christmas goodies, for example, is to , v7 f0 G2 X* A* y# H2 d
substitute some holiday cookies for say the bagel that you usually have with
7 R9 z" b/ Y+ M3 U/ U1 }breakfast or for a mid-morning snack. And instead of just taking one cookie, . n5 G" h1 ^' A4 `' y/ _1 \* P
from the platter, which is noticeable and likely will encourage a colleague to ' n1 F4 c5 w) |$ [3 O8 a) y4 D
tell you to have more, take three instead. That's where the plan can come into
8 e) S+ W0 D4 O0 s- J) F6 L9 ?3 rplay. You can then enjoy the cookies over two or more hours,ed hardy hoodies, because nobody will
% v4 l# {2 i" m& x; {5 L2 Q4 P8 R4 ]% gbe watching how you really eat. You can always have a few candies, one cookie or
5 ]9 u* E3 t/ m) L ~* La cookie and a half by your desk and that way it will seem as if you are
; t( R# C Q9 V( D% C, d+ Bheartily enjoying the holiday treats.? % Y& F/ J$ r. x7 x X# z! o# p
?Another strategy is to bring - bake or buy - low calorie Christmas cookies
/ u! O( [% T- ~: t* |* \: zand candies to work to counteract others that are being offered. Since eating
6 F: m+ [# S% @. a1 K1 `, u% [healthy is highly encouraged, health-conscious cookies will not be looked down
- n8 j$ C$ v& X7 {! P* Oupon so long as they taste great. A box of sugar-free Christmas chocolate
3 G) G3 ^/ n5 t7 s9 ^* ~" tcandies for example will look just as delightful as regular chocolate candies. ) U+ j' q! g" n: d4 G
It's interesting to note that in a poll sponsored by the National Confectioners ' U ]" N! A5 g( e/ Q
Association in 2004,christian louboutin pumps, chocolate was the favorite food gift that Americans said 7 i: j" J+ n0 Y( z( G
they preferred to receive for the holidays. The lowly and much maligned fruit
$ x7 t' v1 ~1 @, e1 O% Lcake was last on the list. The second favorite holiday food gift was a fruit 6 s2 c2 U' u5 Y, n! c7 X7 A
basket and a plate of cookies was third on the list,abercrombie bags, according to the
3 v; {5 U5 G/ i: q- {- iAssociation.
9 K+ c) F6 X# y) ^6 ZFor an occasion such as a Christmas party or a dinner, including Christmas
- ~; t' y; L- Z, a* Z! v' [Dinner, where larger quantities and selection of food is available, the 'Eating
% I' V6 r& ~( f% f9 oon a Budget' plan means that serving portions and the choice of food selected 5 \# |; I% Q7 H0 Y* Q% \
should be carefully watched.
# o5 g0 w7 M N8 ]0 y eAt a party where more desserts and sweets are likely to be available, a few of
5 i2 ?/ \7 l$ s6 @the selections can be sampled. If the urge to try everything can't be resisted,
/ h' e/ g. O. Z& o! R' ^7 {then do so, but then second helpings have to be severely limited. The same is
A7 ~' [# R* u. {; x2 Gsomewhat true for Christmas Dinners. One big difference is that the food served ) _# z8 y/ n' l
during Christmas Dinner will be heavier, so by selecting portions wisely,air max tn, one : M) m- F. b$ {9 b8 r1 M
can always say truthfully that the stomach is full. 0 s5 r% P7 ?. X9 z
And indeed,juicy couture shoes, after a sumptuous Holiday Dinner, your body is likely to be full
6 P8 h9 ^9 Z9 D- vfrom food and your soul full of joy from sharing another memorable holiday 7 \4 M. R2 S$ i* T. b* F8 e
tradition with family, friends and loved ones. |