团购的最终价格只有本地同类产品价格的60%左右,团购价为$2.23/每尺(不含GST,下同), HOME DEPOT $3.44/每尺;RONA: $3.75/每尺;TOTEM $3.25/每尺(以2010年3月20日商店公布的价格为参考)。上述几个专卖店的产品都是用回收塑料再生使用生产的WPC板,而且三个商店都是仅有一个品牌, 国内同类产品大多数是用原生材料生产,感观和质地与本地的产品有本质的区别。+ s) w; c1 u. P) q" N
本帖最后由 ceramistpalace 于 2010-3-23 21:03 编辑 9 U+ A' Z3 s, R/ Q, j0 Y" U. \ a1 F8 W% G
How we (consumers) are protected, after payment is made and before products arrive?
, ~2 V4 ^9 F5 Y( P. I/ V2 k1 P
Would like to know address of your company if you don't mind. Also, what your "normal business model" exactly is? A wholesale or retail? Can we just pay and go, in a way same as how we do our purchase at those big box stores.
16#落地生根 0 F+ l- W2 w$ i9 s* K0 B5 X% _% M " n3 N5 [& {+ {! ]9 I6 C0 Y x it seems a bit too complicated for me since I only need a fairly small quantity of the products. ' |* ]4 }8 s" b5 BBut much thanks for your instant reply.