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Dr. Helen Wambach 和她的催眠研究

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-3-5 22:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 异乡游子 于 2010-3-5 23:05 编辑 ) ~( W2 G- T( i6 h
5 p' t' L. r8 @. g" ]
作者: 冯冯 - 1979
; ~- `) S3 b$ k9 N/ ?9 l2 ^, q& v( x" y+ ], b
加拿大国家电视公司访问另一位女士,就是我以前在《内明》提过的温巴博士( Dr. Helen Wambach )。这位是心理学家,心理治疗医生,现在仍在美国波士顿开业行医,温巴博士现时驰名全球,她的催眠治疗所附设有一个“追溯前生研究所”( Regression Research Institute ),她采用的催眠方式帮助很多人追忆前生,非常成功。我上次在《内明》提过她,真巧不久她就来到加拿大接受电视访问了,我拍下了她的照片。
0 r& }; l+ B  n1 P' K' P, [
' R6 }  l8 \: g7 W' g! \/ i温巴博士的访问经过,我摘要记录如下:8 S8 v$ E4 y% B) z! b
% @9 s* n- f; K' Z
: X. i! Z8 t' i0 V8 q; ]5 r
& o9 `! z( |9 }温巴答:如果那是一种即经科学证实是“迷信”,那我也就不会去从事研究它了,我何苦拿我的博士衔头去冒险?当然是经过多年的研究,我认为确有前生的可能,我才不断地追寻研究下去。3 y& D9 }5 n$ @! Q7 ]4 D
' A* v" j3 {! _) o$ ]
问:那么“前生”并非一种迷信了?1 c: Y# l0 ^9 v0 q
. c' K; I' A  Y( ?5 z. f) d; J
3 j9 N7 v. O3 K( I$ q
; W( b6 S- |+ j' H# P& `问:你举办追溯前生有多久?
- ^/ q( S* ^* J+ z; x* F% s
: [* c! s8 o4 `$ h% k: l" B1 B答:五年多了。   " K) p8 b3 `* A- b) x: _
8 c$ e& a" Y0 s3 [! ~5 }
& ^, Q9 D% `  Z6 R& K; F3 \* \" G
9 D) l! R, S- i4 w7 h答:两千多人。   
3 J. h) }' e" z0 _' `6 v# b7 b6 {* U" ?( H* r
+ U6 v7 G& R3 L, R$ G9 \" X. h
6 K8 C6 J- S* P' I答:大部分成功地回忆起前生,有些甚至回忆到前三生、前四生、前五生,有些甚至可以追溯到前九生,但是也有少数是失败的,有少数完全昧了前因,无法回忆,不过这一类只占百分之五强。   
7 n( L% }$ w; a( }) p: Z
  Q9 W. x5 z7 t4 j问:换言之,就是人人都可追溯前生了?7 d0 P0 a5 `2 x' G' p

5 P9 b, a6 f: k# K! n/ R答:人人都有前生,如果愿意追溯,就有希望追溯,如果不愿,就无法回忆。   
: m1 O9 X. I$ B4 S$ V$ k7 `8 i+ J* v* \
0 m' ]1 I* x5 k* _( j9 m) X& ]8 X$ `% r7 d8 i$ \* O7 g1 O( w. i" m, n
3 ~+ v: O" r$ ?6 s6 O
  W. @' X0 |3 N: J1 L! F9 }/ O问:这好像是佛教的观念。$ Z: \% [. D8 w7 G) Q+ b8 K9 Z

. f8 ?/ t1 ~+ h0 Y9 q2 a6 E答:是的。   3 r: Z" m2 I, _! Q) i
' g  w! S! V7 g( }  p: u& y
问:你是佛教徒吗?( a$ t4 Z. S- M% E5 t/ x; I
7 @  l+ S: j! \9 b
答:不是,但是我接受这些宇宙自然真理的法则。   # p, C2 ?# ?( A# @
0 Y' Z% b6 c* [6 d
问:来参加研究的人是佛教徒吗?- n+ A" V. o- G. O6 L
; F( B' \& @; P3 z1 \, S

1 B* w% z& u( {, C1 H/ X( X; d问:他们是男子多呢?女子多?
; J: b8 t' y. r% e1 h4 ^
) Z" [5 {& v8 [2 d( Q9 {( x3 b" D荅:男子较女子为多。   
: [2 Z, M% H2 E" ]6 G$ l  M
4 v1 `& g, c5 R! i问:催眠的过程怎么样?
- x% T9 g9 V- {  g9 R8 ^7 q3 h; y7 @- H: w
答:(笑)这是很复杂的科学方法,你必须亲自接受才知道,不过我可以告诉你,我们用的绝对是医学上使用的催眠方法,绝不假借任何药物来使人入眠,同时我们绝不灌输任何暗示,我们只帮助他们进入催眠状态,释放他们的潜意识,把他们前生的遭遇讲出来,我们用录音机录下,将来再给他们自己听。   & ?  ?- |* S! {2 {4 T" R

% X4 S. {- Y! v- F& n5 w9 J- z问:这是很难以明了的,怎能追溯前生呢?/ u( B* s2 C5 J8 {: Y( {+ D: i0 D

" `8 `* u( I. z. X( J答:如果你能追溯今生以往的事,就有可能追溯前生。   8 f0 w* T! |( Z

6 b9 V9 J' K% c) C4 ]# ~问:不是幻觉吗?
6 M) F$ S3 L3 D% u) Y$ @2 ~
; s: j7 U  X  W3 m! a7 W答:事实的记忆与幻觉并不相同,他们自己都能分辨的。   
' }; J% t3 \  K2 x8 O7 I1 |! f  q( Z4 D2 o& L  v
, b/ a3 ?; O  f
4 b( ^9 _; B0 L0 X3 ?答:资料都是他们每人的机密,我不能举名提出,只可简述一 二。例如:有一个男子能追溯到他在公元一七00年的出生,古代的欧洲的生活,有人追溯前生是一个罗马人,有些前生是非洲人,多数的男子前生是女子,又有上述两千余人之中大约三分之二前生是亚洲人──其中很多前生是中国人,印度人,日本人,马来人,又以中国人为多──他们能讲出毕生未学过的中国语言,提及中国的许多事情,或是他们的亲人在何处,叫做何名,很多可以查证出来是正确的,有很多却无处查证,如果他们提到的是中国古代的人事地点,我们就很难查了。   % }% R  g7 O9 K3 T. k

" s0 t% N* o! G9 w2 t问:碰到无法查证,你怎么去求证?
/ j& R* B- V$ N4 h4 B7 R5 [8 O' M0 _+ w- p1 q# G: B7 i
) Z+ e, ?, T  M6 k, A4 O5 Y% {" F; i: _3 c1 x! @- \9 c8 y1 G
# T+ p) Y7 U6 T9 ~6 R
3 f5 |4 N# v- v9 v9 v+ ?答:可以,举例说,我收集了三百八十四个国家的历代货币资料和三百八十七种各国历史文物资料,这些是不容他们看见知道的,我在使他们催眠之后,我会提出一些问题问他,比如说,他说他已看见自己的前生是中国人,我就问他是什么年代?他若说是明代,我就问他皇帝是谁?他说是嘉靖,我就问他,当时的钱币是什么样子?他的答覆若果符合我的资料,就是证明他说的实话了。$ v+ e- e; u1 ~2 d/ v

$ ~, I$ \/ |6 M( t) |问:万一有人要冒充,他若是熟识古代钱币,又怎样呢?
# Y, _! S- U" A) w# E
9 q" F3 J+ y8 M7 o* |- f: X答:(笑) 我未必是用货币来求证,我另外有许多资料来求证的,而且就算他想混充,又为的是什么呢?他的前生,与我何干?
9 L& s+ U+ |  C6 y8 @3 D4 Z
! ^: K# c2 k. s# T# N问:听来很多西方人的前生是东方人。8 N7 ~7 T8 \, O

( ]. a; W4 T  _4 N荅:是的,很多西方人的前生是东方人的异性,也有些生生世世都是西方人的男性或女性的,也有些追溯前生是猿猴猪狗的,甚至有人追溯前生是一条响尾蛇,
. y+ V+ N! e! p( K+ y
9 X2 k: z& l& W2 F! _有些人一世是人身,再世是畜类,再再世,不知经过多少次,才恢复今生为人身,有些人能够追溯到身为畜类被人屠杀的惨状,有些人回忆到前生在欧洲战场被杀死,有些人忆出古代被投入兽栏喂狮子,有些人忆出被砍头,有一个人前生被箭射死,他今生的背部常有刺痛。   
1 J, l; U% I  h1 Q5 I# H
5 T4 I+ |) P0 w# S$ M问:太可怕了,我宁愿不去回忆。+ w, T) F- U2 C" i6 a6 P6 G$ v4 E8 J
0 {3 _4 _  Q0 p& |
答:多数人却认为是值得追溯的,可以籍此了解过去,改善未来,比如说,有一个妇女今生不幸沦落为娼,饱受黑社会流氓凌辱摧残,求生不得求死不能,在催眠之下,她追溯出前生是个中东国家的奴隶贩子,时常 凌辱女奴,虐杀女奴无数,她才了解今生是来接受报应的,她今生立志要帮助沦落的妇女,修修来生,现在她的境况已经改善了。   
) L4 y* D! `" x# @* t5 d4 k3 _+ s: x) r% R
问:那么推论,今生快乐幸福的人,都是前生积善修来的了?' b$ f$ o( u# X* {) p; E2 l* e
- [. j$ p# Y+ `
, D; l, b7 \4 |
' O' {8 j; ]" Y问:你仍然要继续帮助人们追溯前生吗?/ k- ~7 s7 i  ~. Z- O7 V2 O; }* c) Q
5 w+ n. i. V% c
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-3-5 22:42 | 显示全部楼层
作者: 冯冯 - 1979
: L1 o' m6 O" U) g
& t# A( f+ W" V6 F9 S加拿大国家电视公司访问另一位女士,就是我以前在《内明》提过的温巴博士( Dr. Helen Wambach )。这位是心理学家,心理治疗医生,现在仍在美国波士顿开业行医,温巴博士现时驰名全球,她的催眠 ...2 e3 A5 l& }, f! ^4 @/ `( Y% V1 ^
异乡游子 发表于 2010-3-5 22:39
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-5 22:58 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 异乡游子 于 2010-3-5 23:01 编辑 ) V, L, f. F+ O  ?6 b" [
  o# N$ y/ h/ `/ W- ]5 R& @' C
另外一篇英文描述DR. HELEN WAMBACH所作研究的总结。DR. HELEN WAMBACH 是一位受过正规西方心理医学教育的注册心理治疗医生,她特别强调她的催眠术都是严格按照程序,而且全程录音并提供给病人或volenteer。请注意,DR. HELEN WAMBACH 的研究结果虽然基本验证了佛经的描述,但DR. HELEN WAMBACH 没有佛教背景。我曾经看过另外一位通过催眠术验证轮回存在的西方心理学家的文章,哪位医生甚至说明他来自传统的天主教和基督教家庭背景。' I6 m) u. c, b% D, W1 ~$ w+ ?2 F
3 I9 S( ?; ]0 J7 Z
我本人特别在Amzon上买到DR. HELEN WAMBACH 的一本书,可惜因为读英文太慢,只看了一点。有位基督徒作者梁燕城博士专门写书批判佛教(在我看来,他并不懂佛法),其中最后一章讲轮回没有证据,其实不是没有,是梁博士的眼界还不够宽读书不够多和他先入为主的态度,希望他有机会看到DR. HELEN WAMBACH 的书籍。  s% @, P; X& }1 L

. M) j8 c0 q4 C( e, o          Dr. Helen Wambach (Ph.D.) was one of the earliest scientific researchers into past lives and reincaration. She was the author of Reliving Past Lives and Life Before Life (both published in 1978 by Bantam paperback books). The updated Reliving Past Lives: The Evidence Under Hypnosis  was published in 1984.  Mass Dreams of the Future was published by Chet Snow in 1993 after her death was based on her research. : c# E" ]8 q! I; H

3 `* f) u4 r5 [+ R" b, i         Initially motivated by a desire to debunk reincarnation, beginning in the mid-1960s, Helen Wambach conducted a 10-year survey of past-life recalls under hypnosis among 1,088 subjects. She asked very specific questions about the time periods in which people lived and the clothing, footwear, utensils, money, housing, etc. which they used or came in contact with. Wambach concluded found peoples' recollections to be amazingly accurate and wrote that ''fantasy and genetic memory could not account for the patterns  that emerged in the results. With the exception of 11 subjects, all descriptions of clothing,  footwear, and utensils were consistent with historical records.''   r. r- ~! R2 x$ G4 `
4 O, t! F5 V6 K* ]# g6 r' g6 }' F

3 S9 a% d0 s) z5 Z3 \% c, @    Victor Zammit describes Wambach's research thus:" q) [1 N: a4 D, p9 o5 C

# d" M, K. n8 ^' L1 W! f( M$ o  @, N* q0 _. i5 u- u
$ L" y* c5 s3 v8 P9 g7 @4 T1 R5 O
By doing a scientific analysis on the past lives reported by her 10,000 plus volunteers she came up with some startling evidence in favor of reincarnation:
! L0 X+ {1 c- S1 G6 \0 k" H& m5 m% `+ A' p  d$ G
• 50.6 % of the past lives reported were male and 49.4 % were female — this is exactly in accordance with biological fact.
# ?/ W3 i$ F$ ?6 P. D1 |
  O1 W& K/ d' k/ y7 ]• The number of people reporting upper class or comfortable lives was in exactly the same proportion to the estimates of historians of the class distribution of the period.
# l' Y& o  [& k( {7 x% P% [2 k' d  x& O" u) Z9 H! L: {
• The recall by subjects of clothing, footwear, type of food and utensils used was better than that in popular history books. She found over and over again that her subjects knew better than most historians — when she went to obscure experts her subjects were invariably correct.. i9 e" k% F' U7 C* ~

0 N4 w5 w* I0 @1 UHer conclusion was:
; }. d- k) J( [9 t! a7 I' h- S" T  a& ?+ O/ ^  C
'I don't believe in reincarnation — I know it!' (Wambach 1978).4 \3 m  J( Z1 y$ R( V
5 [& a4 B4 Z" \1 e/ \) Y# F' h
          In Life Before Life Dr. Wambach described the results of hypnotizing another 750 people and taking them to the time between their past and current lives.  One of her most controversial findings was that people have some choice in their current lives and that the disembodied consciousness or soul does not enter the body until near birth. "The soul usually enters the body  near birth, and has a choice of which fetus to enter. If one fetus is aborted, it is possible to choose another. In some cases, the soul who will occupy the fetus, is in contact with the soul of the mother, and can influence her decision regarding abortion."
# K! L( R1 {) h
) l  R- N) z9 a* X           Dr. Wambach found that 89% of those hypnotized said they did not become part of the fetus until after six months of gestation. A large group said they did not join the fetus, or experience inside it, until just before or during the birth process.  They existed fully conscious as an entity apart from the fetus and even after six months many reported being 'in' and 'out' of the fetal body.  "Many subjects reported that the onrush of physical sensations on emerging from the birth canal was disturbing and very unpleasant. Apparently the soul exists in a quite different environment in the between-life state. The physical senses bring so much vivid input that the soul feels almost 'drowned' in light, cold air, sounds. Surprising to me was the frequent report that the new-born infant feels cut off, diminished, alone compared to the between-life state. To be alive in a body is to be alone and unconnected. Perhaps we are alive to learn to break through the screen of the senses, to experience while in a body the transcendent self we truly are." $ o1 B8 X! N" a6 @2 h# e5 ?  Z! v% i4 O

( h8 R; ^3 n# [+ D) }' P7 `" t        Dr. Wambach found that a certain number of people she hypnotized actually saw into future lives.  What they saw concerned her--a devastated and depopulated world.  So in the early 1980s, Dr. Wambach decided again to apply systematic methods.  She did a huge study that involved over 2,500 people undergoing hypnotic future life progression. $ t; |1 @8 h+ K: `" l
- q) C- D8 n, u! o
       The future life progressions were conducted over a number of years and several groups were involved in the study. Wambach offered the participants a choice of five time periods (three in the past and two in the future) with instructions that their subconscious minds would choose one of the periods. Of the 2,500 people in the study, six percent reported being alive in 2100 AD, and 13 percent said they were alive in the 2300 AD period. Only a handful of the subjects progressed to the future. (My guess that hypnotic progression into the future is just a lot harder than into the past!  C.M.) , A; m' [; \2 p5 l5 s: a, L

& J. U+ N" A" l6 S  |     There was evidence, she believed, that there was a decline of up to 95 percent of the population within a few generations.  Concerned, Wambach asked one of her students to progress to a specific date in the late 1990s but had to bring the woman out of hypnotic trance rapidly after the woman found herself "choking to death on a big, black cloud". Wambach found predictions for the last years of the century to include severe earthquakes, a new US currency, severe weather patterns, financial crises, bank failures, an increase in volcanic activity and the decimation of a large number of people.  In 1999, there would be an isolated incident in which a nuclear explosion in Europe kills many people.
, g7 S: Q7 `* j! C- S
- ]8 p% k/ _$ U2 K! J       Wambach was working with Dr. Chet Snow who, after her death, published Mass Dreams of the Future.  It contains the results of many such in depth future life progressions, presented in perhaps a more sensationalistic way than Dr. Wambach would have presented it.  On the internet, Wambach today is most quoted by those interested in these future lives than in past lives.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-5 23:07 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
7 L1 x" O0 ^( P9 t$ ]
扁舟 发表于 2010-3-5 22:42

5 f8 O, t# H- y
6 K1 Z$ y1 Y* z3 l& i- z  C7 z1 L9 u. r/ s& w& H
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-3-8 00:52 | 显示全部楼层
近代科学渐渐验证了佛经上的很多观点,比如“佛观一杯水,八万四千虫”。时间的相对性,空间的相对性 - 人类到了爱因斯坦才知道。还有佛经对投胎的条件,胎儿的形成过程都有非常详细的描述,比如胎儿的形成以七天为单位(那个时候根本没有周的概念),对胎儿的发育状况进行了详尽的描述,和现代解剖学基本一致。
. B% P" T' \6 E: m# M
( u  ~7 \* ?  M/ s. W" g# K2500年前的人类科技水平是十分低下的,佛陀何以知道?
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