具体名称我不多说了,护肤品就是人体各异感觉不一样,但可以列举一下,譬如酸性的东西像clinique total turnaround这样的,也可以把醋加水,这不也是酸吗? " O! P* R; ]. Z7 V' K0 n! A& g9 b0 Y
抗氧化面霜凡是anti-oxidant 都行,clinique也有一个前两年新出的绿色管的。0 f0 c% y u* I. c
12#2009的夏天( ?& b ~# d! p* M
could you tell which shoppers and which counter in the store?+ Q+ n) M, I) X+ Y2 p
what is the english name of it? : ~* `3 @4 u0 R: A1 hThank you1