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South Africa Power Market Outlook to 2020----Aarkstore Enterprise Market Researc

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发表于 2010-2-15 01:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Aarkstore announce a new report? "South Africa Power Market Outlook to 2020" through its vast collection of market research report.* t, ~6 O7 A' E% j' A9 q" b
; a" y5 `6 t& h" C, q: ?8 i
Summary' [" u, f( |) x/ ^! l1 Q: b+ ~

4 S% C7 |2 z/ q" x+ u( a/ D- }8 ] This report gives detailed information on the South Africa power market and provides growth estimates up to 2020. The study provides historical and forecast statistics for installed capacity, power generation and consumption for key power generation technologies such as thermal, nuclear, hydro and renewables. Information on current and upcoming power projects and key import and export trends provide a roadmap to this market’s development. The regulatory and policy framework governing the market have been dealt with in detail. This coupled with elaborate profiles of the top market participant provide a comprehensive understanding of the market’s competitive scenario. * X# v! x9 ~3 ]8 V+ _

! P- r9 o% z5 U: x3 N Scope
  h* M0 z* b- c0 J
$ {7 [; _- `' Q/ H - Statistics for installed capacity, power generation and consumption from 2000 to 2008, forecast forward 12 years to 20205 p8 _% h7 G4 c& v# ^! L
- Break-up by technology, including thermal, hydro,abercrombie jackets, nuclear and renewable
1 v4 Z5 K" w( H7 ^5 u: T' t - Data on key current and upcoming projects 9 a6 L# P8 H/ p; C6 @' `
- Information on grid interconnectivity, future developments for the transmission systems, and power exports and imports+ \% ^  D4 B0 T
- Policy and regulatory framework governing the market& e/ v# E% F3 S2 P
- Detailed analysis of ESKOM, including market share analysis, SWOT analysis and operational metrics, r* a" y7 `: N8 l; [

7 d% q4 R: M# v2 i* v3 V: X# ]8 U3 x; ~5 ]7 z  {" o5 r

3 [! e' t# [7 \& K
; a, m1 i4 A6 u$ _
: G$ {  P4 b& R3 F1 Executive Summary 2
  i& G/ c& ^; C& P9 o# h1.1 Thermal Installed Capacity, Dominant Source in the Power Mix 2
# C$ E4 @- k. Q) S8 a9 g0 `1.2 Continued Growth in Electricity Generation and Consumption 3+ h5 a3 @- p- p  p
1.3 Restructuring to Increase Private Participation 3
  I% |4 `5 m+ _  W  J2 C5 v1.4 Expansion of Power Infrastructure 3& C7 {" c' D- Q9 N9 H% {
2 Table Of Contents 4& U) J% B' E6 J3 t9 P. U: t: V
2.1 List of Tables 7- `5 Z3 ], b7 y: W4 \
2.2 List of Figures 8* v5 q4 h$ L2 ~( t
3 Introduction 9
) V4 x5 m7 a1 u. t# F8 Z  ?* t3.1 GlobalData Report Guidance 10
; J5 c& l1 L: Q* v3 m4 f0 f4 South Africa Power Market Analysis, 2000-2020 11! D& I, c0 u7 x- g1 x
4.1 South Africa Power Market, Overview 11; P( b3 V9 ]2 q
4.2 South Africa Power Market, Demand and Consumption Scenario 11
: C+ ?2 a. I  A4 ~4 e; M% m4.3 South Africa Power Market, Import and Export Scenario 13
% m) D% P! q- H7 A4 o$ ?- I$ g4.3.1 South Africa Power Market, Total Annual Imports,cheap nike shoes, 2000-2008 13. }! h$ g" |: D5 n
4.3.2 South Africa Power Market, Total Annual Exports, 2000-2008 159 A* H2 |) `  x% C, @2 s
4.4 South Africa Power Market, Annual Power Consumption, 2000-2020 179 a. w3 ]: ?" F5 Z
4.5 South Africa Power Market, Cumulative Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 193 ?/ B( F( ^/ j
4.5.1 Cumulative Installed Capacity by Type of Power Plant: Percentage 19' I" w" c- ]3 m4 W6 t* H2 b$ n1 @& [/ ~
4.5.2 Cumulative Installed Capacity by Type of Power Plant: Total Value 20
5 e: A" \# l' K. }, b1 w, U4.5.3 Cumulative Thermal Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 23% G: @! _" C# n5 n+ a$ d9 j  O3 O
4.5.4 Cumulative Hydro Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 25
9 `8 P. [# H! @3 d; Z, N4.5.5 Cumulative Nuclear Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 27
/ l! s& b/ ^$ ]9 P4.5.6 Cumulative Renewable Installed Capacity, 2000-2020 29- B. a8 z0 Z* C/ V* g3 H# `! }: l
4.6 South Africa Power Market, Annual Power Generation, 2000-2020 31
' t3 w5 U8 }4 z$ s. f4.6.1 Annual Thermal Power Generation, 2000-2020 34
7 e* z& s2 r4 u- L4.6.2 Annual Hydro Power Generation, 2000-2020 36$ F" P7 }  }, |& L+ A5 O( ~
4.6.3 Annual Nuclear Power Generation, 2000-2020 38/ ]9 d& c' {4 s" Y
4.6.4 Annual Renewable Power Generation, 2000-2020 40
! C- Z6 a+ O' `( b( [5 South Africa Power Market, Top 10 Active and Upcoming Projects 42- D% t4 u. _  y  I2 k3 l
5.1 Active Power Projects 42
1 L3 b, K/ u' p3 V9 i5.1.1 Top 10 Thermal Power Projects 42
, {" z3 G1 J8 r+ k* ^( Z0 U5.1.2 Top Hydro Power Projects 43/ M9 Z3 b& w% n6 r' i
5.1.3 Top Nuclear Commercial Reactors 43
; Q5 C+ i; m9 c+ L" P5.1.4 Top Renewable Power Projects 44) Y, P1 R$ X6 X- K
5.2 Upcoming Power Projects 45
* V! [! }; m  g5 \5.2.1 Top Thermal Power Projects 45% p! H7 z+ W; f, F+ y; U
5.2.2 Top Hydro Power Project 46
' p: [" R+ P; K. S/ Z/ L5.2.3 Top Renewable Power Projects 472 e% x9 [+ p* |1 w4 U3 ~* `$ N* j6 b
6 South Africa Power Market, Regulatory Structure 48$ t6 r3 p% v" W8 O0 a
6.1 South Africa Power Market, Country Investment Scenario 48: i3 E% W# V% M. I' Z
6.1.1 South Africa Power Market, Foreign Investment Laws and Regulations, Country Analysis 49* W! H" `- `+ |% R6 u! y0 {, b
6.2 South Africa Power Market, Regulatory Structure, Overview 50( B- ]5 }5 Z9 h4 ]4 T: W9 C) E
6.2.1 South Africa Power Market, Electricity Supply and Electricity Distribution Industry (EDI) Restructuring 50- m  l, _# R. H* t6 H% s
6.2.2 South Africa Power Market, India-Brazil-South Africa Declaration on Clean Energy 516 b2 g9 ^# }+ Q+ y" p
6.2.3 South Africa Power Market, Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management 519 V* {' |/ q4 V* `, J
7 South Africa Power Market, Infrastructure 52
: P7 a1 |' E% q7 n7.1 South Africa Power Market, Infrastructure Overview 52
' P1 {8 Q' D+ @0 X7.1.1 Grid Interconnection 52
" M5 Q. p, i5 ?2 I, _# _7.1.2 Developments for Transmission Systems 52
+ R6 H" a: s0 P9 r. F* h  W8 South Africa Power Market, Snapshot of Government Utility 54
+ f/ k. \9 {  L. }% K8.1 South Africa Power Market, Market Share of Government Utility 54
5 _. ]+ w- d7 L* q2 P1 f4 I8.2 Key Company in the South Africa Power Market, Eskom Holdings Limited 560 X# |6 o. l% X0 f
8.2.1 Eskom Holdings Limited, Company Overview 56
% E. _9 |- g# W8 [6 e8.2.2 Eskom Holdings Limited, Business Description 56. [) {$ y5 D  f
8.2.3 Eskom Holdings Limited, SWOT Analysis 57
) i0 {; a2 H) d; a8.2.4 Eskom Holdings Limited, Operational Metrics 61
# q, z1 T7 I* k: Z: W9 Appendix 62
5 q. a% t2 t! {  |9.1 About Power eTrack 62) [! y# v  K, C. a* j. V
9.2 Market Definitions 62, n7 }- [) |/ F* U) O/ i
9.3 Abbreviations 63/ {) r( \* L! G1 y! P" {! P4 ]
9.4 GlobalData’s Methodology 64
% R+ o' T/ a; k: i+ M+ I$ ?9.4.1 Coverage 64& l4 _" ?7 Z5 G6 O
9.4.2 Secondary Research 658 t& k- }( {1 ?' u, b# Y% D3 c  ^& Y3 N  j
9.4.3 Primary Research 65
4 R8 s, k! N! M3 W1 |/ v& u9.4.4 Expert Panel Validation 66  o3 N$ c, ?% G3 H, b# M$ c1 _
9.5 Contact Us 66
2 P. @1 @% L  K) T  M+ @! f" P1 p" x9.6 Disclaimer 66( F$ A5 q. H, F( d4 a" \2 e
- K* R' C% F' c. S5 n: ~

6 [1 b, |: {1 c5 G$ f/ [9 Z
$ G, J8 D2 v/ y& ^( m5 }8 p2.2 List of Figures* C% Q, C$ `& x- R# H$ ^4 r
Figure 1: South Africa Power Market, Cumulative Thermal Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020 2+ c# Y" F7 w  Z( H
Figure 2: South Africa Power Market, Breakdown of Electricity Consumption, By Sector (%), 2008 12* O+ y9 A& x- ?1 O1 J$ R% V
Figure 3: South Africa Power Market, Total Annual Imports (GWh), 2000-2008 13: a$ g) }1 @$ b& H% z4 t  [! l7 o
Figure 4: South Africa Power Market, Total Annual Exports (GWh), 2000-2008 15/ f# M5 `' X9 @2 }
Figure 5: South Africa Power Market, Annual Power Consumption (GWh), 2000-2020 17) d1 I+ u4 \3 F4 }; T
Figure 6: South Africa Power Market, Cumulative Installed Capacity by Type of Power Plant (%),cheap wilson racket, 2008 19
5 Z, K. w3 m- SFigure 7: South Africa Power Market, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020 21
: ~/ x6 c1 F; a( QFigure 8: South Africa Power Market, Cumulative Thermal Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020 235 q6 s" d% k$ `4 F
Figure 9: South Africa Power Market, Cumulative Hydro Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020 25
, A% B/ {7 F* q" E' ^! yFigure 10: South Africa Power Market, Cumulative Nuclear Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020 27! G  y2 A$ e! G" V+ o
Figure 11: South Africa Power Market, Cumulative Renewable Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020 29$ u) n! S' s! x$ y/ C; f
Figure 12: South Africa Power Market, Annual Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020 32
& i) B/ s% ]2 a3 s* o% VFigure 13: South Africa Power Market,ed hardy hoodies, Annual Thermal Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020 34: h1 K' C8 Q: {" J6 [1 z* `0 h
Figure 14: South Africa Power Market, Annual Hydro Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020 36
" n7 o. T1 D/ _/ d3 _0 G; oFigure 15: South Africa Power Market,juicy couture handbags, Annual Nuclear Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020 388 Q- t( X7 O/ Z5 i  Y$ v! H4 w8 s
Figure 16: South Africa Power Market, Annual Renewable Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020 409 [8 v  R" j0 v2 j. h# E( P* J$ C
Figure 17: Stock of Foreign Direct Investment in South Africa, 2002-2008 48
* U" Y0 U! `6 [/ y+ `* j$ r- DFigure 18: South Africa Power Market, Installed Capacity Share of Government Utility (%), 2008 548 e3 o2 Q! Y1 }- L) e# o
Figure 19: GlobalData Methodology 64"
: O6 J3 Z9 G1 l% W, ~; j& m( o, J3 Z" x+ _+ M, c. O
, `$ k. L" C! |9 n# m
9 }' z$ I5 ^" I; B( y/ i) f8 w

: b$ }3 l' z# N& Z# V2 a/ T
  j5 [+ w3 s2 e0 R) \
; E3 ]) K" ?! v) r9 d: ?
, V, p" K0 o( l9 \"2.1 List of Tables4 K- b5 q. q3 E" p8 W9 {. ?
Table 1: South Africa Power Market, Breakdown of Electricity Consumption, By Sector (%), 2008 128 Q5 D3 x& F. X4 t1 s
Table 2: South Africa Power Market, Total Annual Imports (GWh), 2000-2008 14
/ O3 N0 h9 l, j* |/ W: @Table 3: South Africa Power Market, Total Annual Exports (GWh), 2000-2008 16: E7 r, j9 R' _4 t
Table 4: South Africa Power Market, Annual Power Consumption (GWh), 2000-2020 189 d6 V/ e6 E( B/ F2 v. N5 v
Table 5: South Africa Power Market, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020 22' \& J& K8 \! j* e( ~. F
Table 6: South Africa Power Market, Cumulative Thermal Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020 244 y' J) M4 X% }# r
Table 7: South Africa Power Market, Cumulative Hydro Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020 26" s: g2 p3 e! O
Table 8: South Africa Power Market, Cumulative Nuclear Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020 28
! |, \) s* ?8 b; E- S! x% a8 [Table 9: South Africa Power Market, Cumulative Renewable Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020 306 A: }9 b$ ^, D' n
Table 10: South Africa Power Market, Annual Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020 33
% V; m4 A! j( a4 J" r; g8 s, [Table 11: South Africa Power Market, Annual Thermal Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020 353 X( i0 u1 u3 k
Table 12: South Africa Power Market, Annual Hydro Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020 37- s: L- g6 c- q+ b7 g  z
Table 13: South Africa Power Market, Annual Nuclear Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020 39
: ?( p- t3 q7 V& ]6 T2 Z4 e. s. tTable 14: South Africa Power Market, Annual Renewable Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020 41
% f' t! r5 g! T8 }! v+ KTable 15: South Africa Power Market, Top 10 Thermal Power Projects (MW), 2008 42; V0 @$ t0 d# h
Table 16: South Africa Power Market, Top Hydro Power Projects (MW), 2008 43% {  g' s: a) N
Table 17: South Africa Power Market, Top Nuclear Commercial Reactors (MW), 2008 43' A# S! Q) t0 N/ l" x
Table 18: South Africa Power Market, Top Renewable Power Projects (MW), 2008 44$ q, N1 r, J1 Z8 a+ k- K6 n* R  i0 L
Table 19: South Africa Power Market, Top Thermal Power Projects (MW) 45
* s3 U; r' J9 n; N1 G5 h4 ?Table 20: South Africa Power Market, Top Hydro Power Project (MW) 46
7 b7 V$ }. P6 r9 F2 @8 t6 QTable 21: South Africa Power Market, Top Renewable Power Projects (MW) 47
9 G( q  W% T6 D8 u9 kTable 22: Stock of Foreign Direct Investment in South Africa, 2002-2008 49
  `: m5 |! {9 Q6 j; q- x. _8 qTable 23: South Africa Power Market, Transmission Grid Systems 52: z' ^& R  S% v4 `
Table 24: South Africa Power Market, Planned Developments for Transmission Systems 53
% A' g3 d8 T) R% o& y# nTable 25: South Africa Power Market, Installed Capacity Share of Government Utility, %, 2008 55
: z( G8 i( z  B% \" w0 J& ETable 26: Eskom Holdings Limited, SWOT Analysis 579 m" r' L+ b) F/ n
Table 27: Eskom Holdings Limited, Operational Metrics 61"
* t! }  N( ^7 S! S" g' K( o
4 M% T: n3 l5 [5 N0 @8 {4 p
' E/ ?5 O4 Z; \3 G; `9 k Table of Contents : ( s  K" v  x3 x3 h0 ~6 g4 k% h3 P

3 D; x3 Y9 F3 J6 @7 e- q6 ?3 T1 s1 W& S% v7 L
( e6 t' y5 n8 i7 k

, X' l2 H( B5 b$ s& R6 B2 D" X# M1 u: `. D

* V  u3 u' d/ C- T. `! j% {
4 d8 F: s; _) t5 f( X& V' yFor more information, please visit :
2 w& P! C* U3 g6 ]$ `* D# ?http://www.aarkstore.com/reports/South-Africa-Power-Market-Outlook-to-2020-35108.html
2 k4 d0 X4 L3 {2 `# KOr email us at press@aarkstore.com or call +919272852585
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