去过几次,怎么说呢?那店主实在不是个NICE的人,barbar人都还可以,但水平各不相同,我曾经还被一个新手当了试验品,但看人家小妹的认真样,虽然效果不想再回顾,但我当时还是给了15%的TIP。# a3 ?5 B7 O& }! n
也在那儿遇到个水平那 ...9 Y# q& M& g% K/ f7 I" k
sol 发表于 2009-11-5 14:50
( P( d) m* F$ W; W8 K* G0 A4 Pr u talking about the asian lady that has been whitened and has golden fake hair? i once saw she was driving an expensive car to droped off her kid in meadowlark... rich as her she is supposed to treat people well a...