Cararu launched classifieds which pay you for your posted classified ads. If you are selling a car, house or any merchandise; you are looking for products or services than you can earn additional revenue just by posting your small classified ad.1 T3 L; } m w
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You can generate $15 or more each day with your small classified ads. More interesting is your ad, more visitors it gets. More visitors mean more impressions and more impressions means more revenue generated for your account.% g. L" X1 W$ v2 C
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If you refer other people they’ll generate for you certain percentage from their revenue which can boost your revenue for several times, even for ten times more you alone can make it. So several referrals can boost up your revenue for ten or more times and if you make $15 per day you could be making over $100 per day with few referrals. * l0 L N/ t b ' A/ l8 o( C! [ CRegister here: