鲜花( 20)  鸡蛋( 0)
初中三年我和一个男生很要好。那个时候母亲和父亲在分居,带着我和弟弟住在她单位一个筒子楼里,那个男生的家就在我们楼旁边。他是班上成绩最好的男生,也是最好看的,按那时初中生的标准来看,高高瘦瘦,眼睛很有神 ...' m$ H% K" q0 F% b1 |
cadragon 发表于 2009-6-23 13:50  . L) o: D* e& Z4 a2 W
/ K: {. a6 P6 W1 k' k, wYou are luck that you did not develop any relationship with such a guy. Yeah, you had a crush on him, and he seemed to have a thing for you as well. But seriously, this is only how you looked at it. No offense, too many gals have such fantasy. I had those too, but only briefly, because all my guy friends tell me, if they didn't make a move, means they are just not that into you. Believe it or not! Go to watch that movie! |