鲜花( 173)  鸡蛋( 1)
那你們就先看看喝咖啡的好處吧。$ s+ A; k; ?8 Z$ ~
Some of the findings are:; ?8 w. M& j9 U4 Q. x" }
Multiple Sclerosis, a nerve disorder that numbers more than 300,000 people in the United States alone, can possibly be prevented by an intake of caffeine, equivalent to six to eight cups of coffee drank each day.
2 g3 ?* G7 k8 j* A lower risk of type 2 diabetes has been associated with daily coffee drinking.
% B$ V4 Y! s6 Z& s: k4 N2 D3 ^1 [! A* The risk of Gallstone disease decreases when men drink coffee.
1 }/ d9 [9 c! B* Men who drink coffee have a significantly lower incidence of Parkinson’s Disease.. ^' u% A) q# t, S o" {
* Abstinence from coffee leads to “a compression of mortality rather than an increase in lifespan.” I.e., if you don’t drink coffee you’re likely to die sooner! |