原帖由 1029384756 于 2009-5-1 01:08 发表 2 o2 g& I {0 u7 d6 B' \0 ^
想知道埃德蒙顿的医院能做流产手术吗?如果有Health care,大概要多少钱呢?需要什么证件,手续? 谢谢大家了······ 唉,很无赖啊···
+ P& P3 `* j# Y6 f4 }" `9 l & Q M) A( I) z& W( F+ {Yes, they should have. And if you have full coverage health care, it should be free for the surgery. Check out this website: www.edmontonprolife.org/edpregnancy.htm 8 T$ C' v6 D( C0 o+ B; b! x- V$ W* ^0 n' r, D6 @7 _
Also, be careful next time.