鲜花( 20)  鸡蛋( 0)
原帖由 笑笑Mabel 于 2009-4-28 00:08 发表 / U4 f; p) p! C N2 a* T
来这这么久了,还是没有研究出什么好玩的(谁知道有什么好玩的说出来大家共享一下),没办法,无聊的时候只能逛街!这街是越逛越失望,这里的衣服实在是不怎么样,可要是每次逛半天不买吧,心里还难受,每次多少都买 ... . m E0 W9 b9 W# l, ?( @
( }0 E, y, l5 s) a+ r
You can join some kinda sport club, say yoga, jogging, badminton, golfing or whatever; or do some volunteer work, meet more ppl, also helps you build up your resume and your networking; or do a part-time job to kill some time. |