Hi there, $ b @' A% Z0 U6 e: a' [) T0 N + H$ ^# _* K0 R7 H |I wanted to get my mom a necklace as new year gift/sorry-gift since I can't get the time off to spend new year with them in China. I need help choosing a necklace for her. I was thinking of a diamond one but I am not sure if it's worthwhile getting one here or in China. I don't know much about the pricing in China. Anybody? Thanks!!!
hm...thanks for the website. I think the necklace looks nice, but I doubt my mom would like it though. I am budgeting at a max of 1k so Tiffany would be too expensive for me I think 5 x( Z: P- o5 U- U. q! l0 [ " l1 i* ?; O3 Q1 ^. h( f4 e/ F/ YI was thinking of a diamond pendant on a white gold chain, more of a simple design that she can wear on a daily basis. She had a pearl necklace before but I think she had to match her clothes to wear it so she stopped wearing it. I want her to be able to wear it every day and when she looks down she can see the necklace which will remind her of me :-)/ F8 ?; H0 G8 ]/ a7 b6 |
# @( w' L/ I! [3 S1 a5 o- FI guess my question was, am I better off to buy one in China or here? coz I heard there are more designs in China. But I don't know if they are more expensive there. Thanks!