Originally posted by 横跨太平洋 at 2005-3-21 18:26:0 i1 ^# ?7 {( }6 { k
WESTEND指的是具体什么地方?SORRY,我对地名有时不太清楚。陈北记自然是去过几次了,实在是油泡饭与油炸菜的综合,全是油,吃着心里有点不安。0 Y$ u. N- M2 Y) s* D
1 s m$ r5 P' i# M
LUCKY 97边上的越南馆子性价比还不错。
Originally posted by 梨涡浅笑 at 2005-3-22 03:10 PM:4 ], D! H, R, ?4 h
在WEST EDMONTON MALL 附近,电话本和报纸里应该有详细的地址和电话,英文是JUMBO,中文是万豪。例外一家吃面条不错的在UNIVERSITY AVE,叫SPICY KITCHEN。
4 \* E# z* E, l* F: Y
d! \4 j- E: |( _, n, [& o! r W6 g5 r$ B
If you like hotpot, you can try "Qi Ma Hotpot", which is a new restaurant. I went there many times because food there are very fresh, especially the sause is traditional and tasty. Before it was called 'Man Gu". It is in China Town, and you can take bus number 9. About $12 per person. ; _6 L4 W& [% s2 A, c5 qHao Jing is a good one as well. It is just beside "Garden Bakery", only 2 blocks from Luck 97.
Originally posted by Li2 at 2005-4-7 09:13 PM:1 I d% K+ y/ [ I# O
If you like hotpot, you can try "Qi Ma Hotpot", which is a new restaurant. I went there many times because food there are very fresh, especially the sause is traditional and tasty. Before ...
Originally posted by Li2 at 2005-4-7 09:13 PM:$ k& S5 D$ P4 V! k. B5 }
If you like hotpot, you can try "Qi Ma Hotpot", which is a new restaurant. I went there many times because food there are very fresh, especially the sause is traditional and tasty. Before ...
, l4 _8 W9 i8 Y1 j6 S4 g6 h& w2 N( }0 a6 ?; r7 h Z
具体说说怎么乘9路车去呗:lol:: _/ l3 t% g# O; _, S; x# @( H. s
还有 不能讲中文吗?英文看着累啊..... , O9 m4 e: S( _8 q* P谢谢了